Something to consider


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
Visit site
It's a catch-22. There's nothing we can do to control who posts to what. As has been mentioned some people like getting a little bit of basic knowledge and showing it to others, so initially the basic questions get answered over and over again while more advanced questions tend to sit. This has happened to me at times, but its not a big deal. Sometimes you just have to read as much as you can and step out on a limb. If you could find a FAQ that everyone agreed with that would be a start, but again, everyone has varying opinions on certain subjects, so it'd be hard. The other thing being that people would still have to have the frame of mind to go read the FAQ rather than post. You'll never completely get rid of the problem.

Sometimes you just have to figure stuff out on your own. For example there aren't to many people on here that seem to know a whole lot about Brackish tanks. A few do, but if they happen to not be on, or not go into the Brackish section, then your posts sit for a long time. Some of mine did, but that's ok. I read up as much as I could, and just went ahead and did the best I could. I have gotten good advice in there, but a lot of it was after I'd already started down the path. Sometimes people have to learn to be less afraid of just going ahead and trying something. As long as you've read something on it and you're careful, you're fish will probably be ok.

But hey I'm all for improving the site so perhaps we can get a FAQ going.