Started my fishless cycle..


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
It's a royal pain FD. In the wonderfull State of NY, all registered passenger vehicles have to have yearly safety/emissions inspections performed on them, then a color coded sticker (for the year) is placed on the inside of the windshield. Tires, brakes, lights, suspention components, etc.. On top of that, any vehicle from 1996+ (OBDII compliant), they plug a computer into the vehicle's diagnositc port and scan for any emissions related codes. Any codes (check engine light) = you don't pass. I don't know what the max dollar amount is, but there is a cap on how much you'd have to spend to get your car in order $800 maybe? and you can get a variance for the year, then spend it all over again next year. Good times! You basically cannot afford to drive a high mileage car with the check engine light on. Cars older than 1996 and you're good to go.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Thats sounds terrible. The county I live in Cuyahoga, is actually the only county in the state of Ohio that does emissions test. But is sort of a joke. It used to cost like 90 bucks but the state legislature deemed that illegal so now its free. Once a year inspection and they basically just check if you e light is on. There is always talk of tossing the whole program out, to which no one would complain. We call it 'e check' over here, so when you said 'state inspection' it sounds freaky.

Feb 27, 2009
The county I live in Cuyahoga, is actually the only county in the state of Ohio that does emissions test.
A friend of mine lives in Summit County and they do e-checks there too. There are 7 counties in Ohio now that do the emissions testing.

Seven E-Check Counties

A lot of states (in more populated areas) do inspections also. In Texas, where I live, you must get this done every year. It can be done up to 2 months before your license plate is set to be renewed, but must be done or you cannot get a valid license plate. Thankfully, they now are stickers inside the vehicle instead of out on your actual plate (as I've had mine stolen twice in my lifetime).

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Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I know poeple who who don't have to get e check so I just assumed Cuy. was the only one. Not suprised by summit county, with Akron being there. We don't have stickers but get notices in the mail when we're due.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I know poeple who who don't have to get e check so I just assumed Cuy. was the only one. Not suprised by summit county, with Akron being there. We don't have stickers but get notices in the mail when we're due.
It used to be a lot easier in NY. If you knew someone at a garage, you could just "buy" a sticker and be done with it. Now, with the addition of the computer scan, every vehicle's VIN#, along with a copy of your test report are sent electronically to DMV headquarters in Albany NY when they plug the sucker into your car. They gotta see it every year. The inspection fee is $10 for new cars and $21 for everyone else.

Feb 27, 2009
One thing they test for in my county in Texas is for cracked glass.

I had replaced my windshield (twice) after being pelted while living in Iowa with rocks from dump trucks (no laws there about covering your load). There is a 'stress crack' across the entire width of the windshield that happened while the car was parked. Those that installed it say its 'new damage' and I must pay to have it replaced. Four other auto-glass places say its a stress fracture caused by defective glass. But, those that installed it are the ones that must agree that its defective and authorize it to be replaced under warranty. A lot like the fox guarding the hen-house to my way of thinking. What is the garage going to say? 'Oh yes, that is our fault, we'll fix it for free!' or 'Nope, new damage, pay us $400 again.' Hmmmm.....

The inspection folks had me sit in the driver's seat to complete my inspection. Because the crack is not within my line of sight, its ok as-is. If I were taller, I'd have to replace the glass to get my inspection approved.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Wow... Thats not the sort of laws I would expect Texas to have. NY, yes but not Texas. I get the impression that Ohio has pretty lax driving laws. I have friends who have gotten tickets for 'cruising' in the passing lane in other states. Whereas in Ohio its just another lane on the highway.