starting a 20 gal hex

enzofreak2001 said:
ok thanks and i would still like more info on what kind of fish i should start off with
You two with your avatars are confusing the hell outta me. lol

Anyways, with a 20g you won't be able to go with anything too big, obviously. I'm not very familiar with saltwater, yet, but clowns are always good for small tanks. Being that yours is a hex (and likely more vertical) you may want to consider a seahorse tank, as they like to swim vertically. :)

seahorses need to be fed live food i think, and i am pretty sure they need to be fed often. i have also heard they are very advanced fish, hard to get a hold of, and hard to keep alive... so you might want to do research. im not sure what everyones imfatuation (sp) is with seahorses, nemos, and dorys is, but it gets on my nerves. sorry if i crushed anyones hopes and dreams.


Small Fish
Apr 22, 2006
most seahorses eat brine shrimp since they will stay in the tank long enough for the horses to get to them. They are slow eaters which is why any competition is not good(hence the species only tank) if you get some make sure they are tank bred (most are nowa-days they breed readily in tanks) make sure you can get live brine shrimp from a lfs. There's lots of good info out there on seahorses, keep up with the research.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
fish outa wata said:
my lfs has them but they seem to be finicky eaters, so I have stayed away. ghost shrimp huh?
Hey Zman how big is your seahorse?
Sorry about that I don't have seahorses. I must have been day dreaming at the time. But I have seen them eat ghost shrimp.