starting a 20 gal hex

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Personally, I would put 3-4 small fish in your tank. Clowns, gobies (any), firefish, small wrasse, small dwarf angel (coral beauty, flame, fireball, cherub), royal gramma, cardinals, damsels (some ppl like em), chromis (nice color under high light), small blenny (bicolor or midas), pseudochromis, or a small hawkfish. You have a large range of small fish to choose from.

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Cool, I convinced my parents to help me get a bigger tank too. Sumps are easy, for the most part. That site has some nice, affordable stuff. I'm not good at the DIY department, so this place looks good.

LOL. you cheater. your gonna take the ideas i use on mine, and use them on your sump! oh well. at least you can do it all at once, instead of wasting time and money screwing up like me. is there any way you could convince your parents to let you get a bigger sump? possibly a 20 long? i think you would be happier with that, since theres more room to work with.