so after receiving a 2.5g AGA I got from a friends aunt, I wondered what the heck you can do with a 2.5g tank. Well, after seeing some amazing stuff on - The source for nano reef aquarium information , and here hehe, I decided to start a pico reef. Right now I have the tank, a Satellite 18W CF light w/ lunar light, 50W stealth heater, and an AC20 filter. My plans are to make the AC20 a fuge with chaeto and rubble, and possibly fit the heater in there. I joined a lfs club that gets me discounts at the biggest lfs i've ever seen haha. This week I will be picking up 4-5 lbs of live rock, some live sand, salt of course, a hydrometer, and some other goods. So for now, here's the before picture *SUPERSMIL