Starting out


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Mine gets about 5 little pellets hakari ones at that, Eddied has the bigger ones Aqua pellets he get about 4 of those then that is all.

Why do they say feed what the fissh can in few moments then?
Is this wrong information people are saying?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
It is decent information for most community tanks, since you don't want to have a bunch of food left afterwards that sits on the bottom and rots. I don't think there is a single tank that should be fed "what the fish can eat in a few minutes"... they'll just eat too much. The problem is that bettas are pigs, and will eat way too much in a few moments, if you let them. If you put in 10 pellets, a single betta can eat that in well under a minute, and it's not good for them.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Here is what I found on

How much to feed. People think they have to feed their bettas until they explode, and that bettas will get big and strong that way. More than likely what will happen is that the bettas will not eat all the food, the uneaten food will rot in the jars/tanks, polluting the water and bacteria will promptly flourish in such an environment. In turns, the bacteria will attack the bettas, which will become sick. So rule number one in betta feeding is DON’T OVERFEED!!! Feed as much as your betta can eat in 2 mn, and no more. Try to achieve a softly rounded belly. Your betta should not look pregnant :p. On the other hand, If your betta’s belly looks “hollow” or too flat, then you are either not feeding him enough, or he has a bacterial infection causing him to waste away (or internal parasites).


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
My friend who bought me that betta fish bought one got himself at the same time. I went to his house yesterday, and thought his fish was bloated or bigger. Either because my fish is younger, or he feeds him too much. I asked him how many times a day he feeds his fish and he is like 3 times a day, 2 flakes and a blood worm. That is to much I think. I told him about the fish having a small stomach, and should be eating no more than 5 or 6 pellets or flakes a day. Is he killing his fish and not knowing it?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I printed up the feeding part for him to read. Any other info I should maybe give him? He knows about the water changes and can't think of anything else to give him to read right now if you do let me know.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Ok he says he is going to only feed his fish 2X a day and not feed him every thursday. Next Q for him and I. How long do we wait before doing a full water change? We both find the water is cloudy even though we got it Sunday. Is it a good idea to change the water every 3 days? Alos is it better to put no rocks?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
yes but i was thinking maybe it would be better without the rocks at least i could see what is in the tank and when it is dirty at the bottom. The rocks are also the same color of my fish almost so its hard to see him with the rocks.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
well would you rather look at poo on the bottm of the tank or color? You can change the color of the rock if you like so that you can have the betta stand out better.

My betta is blue with red on him, Ihave brownish rock in there see:

Then what I did was add some color and that was it.