Still Cycling, 10G, AC20, 1 Betta, 6 Small Plants, can I add several small fish yet?

Jun 6, 2010
posted some pics, checkout my last post

It depends on how many leaves the fern has, if that horizontal root is clearly defined. As it adds more leaves, it is more noticable.

Sounds like you have the anchored properly :) Post some pics already!
Good news on the cycling..... see last post...

bad news, Joshua died tonight, we gave him a funeral, my 9 year old cried all evening. He now rests under her tree, ...

Jun 6, 2010
Poor Joshua. Poor daughter.

Nice work with the tank so far. New happy fish adventures for your daughter around the corner.
yeah, joshua was my fault... listened to several LFS guys...put the betta in the tank, watched them for about an hour and a half. All was fine.

Next morning was a different story.... he had attacked two of the three pladies... bitten off part of their tails... turned out joshua got the worst of it, he had also bitten his mouth, and he was unable to eat but small morsels... guess it was not enough for him.

I feel really bad about that. My wife made a little coffin out of a box and we buried him last night under my daughter's tree with a goodbye note.

Jun 6, 2010

It depends on how many leaves the fern has, if that horizontal root is clearly defined. As it adds more leaves, it is more noticable.

Sounds like you have the anchored properly :) Post some pics already!
fyi, posted a few pics, and oh, yeah, starting now to see the rhizome emerging... guess i can tie it down by that when it gets a little bigger.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
yeah, joshua was my fault... listened to several LFS guys...put the betta in the tank, watched them for about an hour and a half. All was fine.

Next morning was a different story.... he had attacked two of the three pladies... bitten off part of their tails... turned out joshua got the worst of it, he had also bitten his mouth, and he was unable to eat but small morsels... guess it was not enough for him.

I feel really bad about that. My wife made a little coffin out of a box and we buried him last night under my daughter's tree with a goodbye note.
Which one was Joshua? One of the platies?
Is the betta still in the tank?
Sorry if I'm confused by all of the 'he's.