Stock my 38 gal!


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
So I've got a 38 gal tank I purchased earlier this summer that I just don't know what the heck I want to do with it. One minute I think an angel and some tetras, the next its gouramis and a shark, then kribs and congos, I just am really not sure where I want to go with it. It will be a heavily planted tank once I order the lights and set up DIY CO2, so... any suggestions? You're starting with an empty tank except for an ABN and a regular BNP, who are staying in there regardless.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I definitely wouldn't get an angel. They are lovely, but they get way too big and need a minimum of 55 gallons.
Maybe you should research different aquatic biotypes and see what you like and then build you tank from there. For example, I love Amazon biotypes and Bleeding Heart Tetras belong in that type of environment.
What's an ABN?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Personally I'm biased towards the south american theme.. but I wouldn't go for angels. Perhaps something like dwarf cichlids (apistogramma, rams etc) or keyhole cichlids? Of course, on the flip side, a good shoal of rasboras with a couple of pearl gouramis would look great.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
ABN= Albino Bristlenose Pleco, if I am correct?? not really 100% but that is my best guess
Ding, ding, ding, you are correct, sir!

A 38g (what's the depth?) is okay for angels, as long as you are willing to rehome them when they get too big.
Littletank, I've had/have angels in my 39g, and as long as they are still young-ish (under 2-3 years?), they are fine. The tank is deep enough to allow them to grow properly.
Having said that, I recently saw a 5 year old angel that had been returned to my lfs, and it clearly never had enough room to develop - I think it was a 15g it had been in the whole time??? Its body was a good 3"-plus in diameter, but its fins were shorter than the ones on my 1" body angels. Poor thing. I don't know if with a nice big tank he'd ever grow out properly.
Anyway, what about congo tetras, a pair of pearl gouramis, some cories or small loaches??? You could still add an angel for now, or a lovely male ram?


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Laura, I can't remember if the tank is 16 or 18 inches deep. I realize the angel would eventually outgrow the tank, however, the LFS I deal with normally is really great about trades/buying/giving store credit, so I've no concern about bringing the angel in when it outgrows my tank. I'm not even sure if that's the direction I want to go with this tank however. I'm doing a SA biotope (of sorts) in my 16 gal with rams and cardinals, so as much as I love rams, I don't want two tanks worth!

If I went with gouramis I would definitley go with pearls, I have no real interest in blues or golds for this tank. I was thinking a pair of pearls, with a shoal of glass catfish and then pretty much fill in the blank for the rest of the tank, however the catfish are over 20 bucks each (!!) at PU, and the LFS that I normally go to doesn't usually carry them. So more than 20 dollars a piece, for a shoal of 5-6 fish.. I'm just not going to shell out that kind of money at this point.

I'm thinking apistos, maybe cockatoos, would be a good option like someone suggested. I know I've seen these guys before at my LFS and really enjoyed them, anyone have experience with how aggressive they get when breeding? I know these guys form harems, so I'm thinking a male plus 2 or 3 females? How aggressive do they get around breeding time? I like keyholes but I want something with a bit more colour, plus the apistos really appreciate a heavily planted tank, so they seem like they would be a good fit. Any suggestions for schooling fish to go with them? I'm thinking maybe some panda cories for the bottom, but as for mid-top level fish, I'm not sure. I'm wondering what kind of tetras (or other type of schooling fish?) would really pop in a planted tank. Neons/cardinals are out since I'm using them in the 16 gal.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I'm thinking apistos, maybe cockatoos, would be a good option like someone suggested. I know I've seen these guys before at my LFS and really enjoyed them, anyone have experience with how aggressive they get when breeding? I know these guys form harems, so I'm thinking a male plus 2 or 3 females? How aggressive do they get around breeding time? I like keyholes but I want something with a bit more colour, plus the apistos really appreciate a heavily planted tank, so they seem like they would be a good fit. Any suggestions for schooling fish to go with them? I'm thinking maybe some panda cories for the bottom, but as for mid-top level fish, I'm not sure. I'm wondering what kind of tetras (or other type of schooling fish?) would really pop in a planted tank. Neons/cardinals are out since I'm using them in the 16 gal.
Apistos tend to be a lot more peaceful than other cichlids, breeding aggression still exists to a degree but you've got a big enough tank for it to only be a minor problem. My personal favourite schooling fish are pristella/x-ray tetras. Very commonly available and most people see them in the store and think they're drab, but once they get settled in a heavily planted tank the strong colours (red, black, yellow) on their fins and the subtle sheen of their bodies are just gorgeous. Of course, if you wanted to make it a little less SA themed, harlequin rasboras or something similar would be lovely.