stocking 55 gallon


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
I'm acquiring a 55 gallon in the next week and the following is my current idea for stocking....

6 zebra danios
5 neon tetras
5 serpae tetras
4 black neon tetras
3 columbian tetras
3 male guppies
2 mollies
2 african dwarf frogs
1-2 platys
1 otto
1 cherry barb

Obviously I won't put all of these in at once, this is long term design adding a few fish every few weeks (probably corresponding with paydays...). I was thinking of maybe starting with the zebras and then adding the black neons, platy(s) and frogs and going from there...most likely leaving the neons and oto for among the last.

Since im still new at this i thought id throw my ideas out there, this list is by no means formalized, and get all of your (much more informed and experienced) opinions on this. From what research ive done i think these will work together, but i could definitely be completely wrong.

If any of you have ideas for more fish that would work or if i should get more of a certain kind etc, feel free. The only comments i have on my likes/dislikes is that i love tetras and prefer smallerish fish (no bigger than 6in). The only exception to this is that I really like angels, however i figured an angel would be too aggressive for this tank. I also like white cloud minnows, but since theyre coldwater i assumed this tank would be too warm for them?

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Nothing makes tetras school better than a big ol angel in the tank.

Looks ok, a bit crowded for my tastes but should be ok. The only thing I would add is otos are social fish and need to be kept in groups of 3 or more.


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
That's an awful lot of fish that play similar roles in a community. It might be pretty neat, but it could also come out looking crowded and chaotic.

When thinking about what to put in the 55 gallon tank I'm setting up next month (can't believe the wait is almost over! :D), I started by dividing the tank into three separate areas of the water column: top, middle, and bottom, and then subdivided the middle into middle-top and middle-bottom. Doing that with your stocking list provides the following (someone correct me if I've missplaced a fish):

Middle-Top: Zebra Danios, Guppies, Platies, Mollies (the last three will roam a lot throughout the water column)
Middle: Neon Tetras, Serpae Tetras, Black Neon Tetras, Columbian Tetras
Middle-Bottom: Cherry Barbs (roam a lot, too)
Bottom: Otos

And your ADF's will probably float near the surface or sit on the bottom depending on their mood.

See what I mean?

IMHO, the top part of the tank is the least important area to stock, as your middle fish will play up there occassionally and almost everyone will feed near the surface.

I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but again, if it were me, I'd pick one or two of the fish schools and then try to flesh out the other areas of the water column. Further, I like to mix one group of slender bodied schoolers (danios, black neons, neons, etc.) with more broad-bodied schoolers (columbians, serpaes, etc.), and while I don't keep live bearers, I do understand their appeal -- but I'd probably choose one of the guppies, platies, or mollies to focus on.

From your list, I'd probably go with something like:
6 Columbian Tetras (though, I really love Bleeding Hearts in this space, too)
8 Black Neon Tetras
2 Cherry Barbs
2 Mollies
2 ADF's
4 Otos
5 Panda Cories OR 3 YoYo Loaches

Off the top of my head, that looks like a decently well-stocked tank without being overstocked - but someone can double-check me on that.

Even in that list, though, the tank lacks a "showcase" fish - like the angel Pure suggested. Were it me, I'd probably skip the Barbs and Mollies and get an Angel, a pair of Apistos, or something along those lines.

Again, though, that's just what I'd do. What's great about this hobby is that everyone has their preferences and can try different things out (so long as they take the time to learn about their fish and know enough to make sure they're happy).

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I think you may have issues feeding the frogs in such a big tank. I think I've read that they should be in 20g or smaller, so that you can make sure they're getting enough to eat. Although, it looks like they're the only bottomdwellers so you might be okay.

I also want to warn you that your cherry barb might not like the platies. They can be a little aggressive if they're alone. I had one that relentlessly chased cories, but when I added another male they bother each other and ignore the cories. One also doesn't like my platies, but there are enough platies that none gets too picked on so it's not too big a problem. It might be a bigger problem with only one barb, though. It probably doesn't help that my tank is overstocked and the platies were added last. If you really want a cherry barb, I'd suggest getting 2 and adding them last.

You might also think about switching out one of the tetra schools (or other types of fish) for some more active bottomdwellers to help keep it cleaner... like cories or yoyo loaches.

Since a tank looks good with only one or two schools, why don't you pick you favorite tetra and make huge school of them (around 8-12).

Next, there is the lone otto. They prefer to be in a group of 3 or more. You can also get about 4 corys of your choice. You can also add a few loaches.

Since it is a big tank, your going to want a 'showcase' fish(s). For example, gouramis, angels, possibly a not so 'big-mouthed' cichlid.

You can keep the frogs, but go bye bye with the barb, unless you give it 'freinds,' because all barbs need a school

So here is an idea of the stocking

10-tetras of you choice
4-corys of your choice
3-Kuhlii Loaches
7-Cherry Barbs
Showcase Fish

Hope this helps.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I am another one who likes to stock all levels. I would switch some things around too. If I were to setup a 55, I think I would go with something like this:

3 - Opaline Gouramis (Or Apistos, Blue Rams, Gold Gouramis, etc...)
6 - Rummy Nose Tetras (Or Lemon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, etc...)
7 - Congo Tetras (Or Diamond Tetras, Serpae Tetras, etc...)
3 - YoYo Loaches (Or 6 Kuhli Loaches)

I think me and Jeff have alot in common LOL.

ETA. Dark substrate is our friend. I have learned that most fish look better against a dark substrate! (Expecially all the light colors I included in that bunch)

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Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Virgo, I'm certain you're right. Congos were one of the last fish cut when I was culling down my stocking options, right before the bleeding hearts (a good friend has rummynose and bleeding hearts and I didn't want to copy him too badly, though I do love them).

And, of course, I'm going to use eco-complete - so the dark substrate thing is there, too. ;)

Pretty much our only difference is that I prefer rainbowfish to gouramis for the top level, though I do like sparklings and pearls quite a bit...


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Yeah, I think I am just underexposed to rainbows, they're not common around here, I have only seen them once in a store that specializes in mostly Salt Water. I think if I got the chance to keep some rainbows I would like them more... no matter what, I have a slight biast for gouramis, I don't know where it comes from, I have only ever owned 1 dwarf gourami and he killed 7 fish in 1 night and went back to the LFS in the morning! LOL They are just so appealing to me, expecially moonlights and opalines.

I am scared to admit cichlids are almost starting to grow on me though. I haven't had intrest in them since the couple I had a couple years ago. The more pics I see though, the more I want some! LOL When I get room to have my 220gal that I am daydreaming about, MAYBE I will go with cichlids. :)


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
i went to my LFS today and i saw an opaline gourami and i think i might have fallen in love...i didnt realize how beautiful they were! i definitely think i might want to get one of them...

back to replanning...

its actually possible to have an angel with my tetras and not have him eat them?

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Should be fine with little tetras and such, mine doesn't care about black neons. Gives one a little chase every so often, but it's just a quick lunge, not harmful.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
draft two...
6 zebra danios
5 ember tetras
4 serpae tetras
4 black neon tetras
3 male guppies
2 platys
1 yoyo loach
1 cherry barb
1 opaline gourami

i know this is lots more tetras/schooling type fish than most have, but its my favorite type of fish...


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
SkwidsLair said: I found out the hard way...keep at least three YoYos on your list. They need company.

They don't get all that big, so it won't be too much of a hardship on your tank.
Thanx for the info, id done research on them and i kept finding conflicting information as to whether they needed to be in a group or not. Since (as far as i know) theyre the only ones who are bottom-dwellers i guess i have room for two more.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
That seems fine. Since all the guppies are males, you might want to get male platies too (I'm not sure if lonely male guppies would pester female platies). Plus that means there's no possibility for fry. I still also think you might need 2 cherry barbs, but you can always add a second later if the first misbehaves alone.