Yeah, thats what I thought too.
I would have liked to have gotten a few more, but my total for fish was already $130, so I'm happy with what I have and the wife is too, so its all good.
I'm not real sure on that. I know that the catfish develop much quicker than their cichlid counterparts, and because of this eat the unhatched cichlid eggs and young fry. All this while still in the cichlid's mouth. The catfish eggs hatch in about 3 days, so I would say not too long after that do they leave the mouth.
Because we got the catfish, we sat down last night and started watching the 'Jewel of the rift' agian. We didn't get to the part of the catfish yet, but we will tonight.
(AWESOME documentary on Lake Tanganyika that comes on NGC every now and again)