Stocking my tank.


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
Thank you for that. I think I'm going to go for some loaches. Probably three. If I say had six platy, on male beta and three loaches my stocking would be fine? Would I even possibly have room left to stock a fourth loach?


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
Oh defiantly. if u look at my signature u will see my stocking. its pretty much up to date and u can see how many fish i get away with in my tanks. i tend to slightly overstock my tanks a bit but everything works out fine for me.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
not a problem. it seems as though u shoudl have a nice peacful but fairly active tank. and i'm going to be looking into stocking myself here pretty soon cause a guy my dad works with is getting rid of a 125 gallon tank and if the price is right i just might buy it. so i will be in the same boat as u thinking about what to stock it with lol.


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
Haha but I've been in the boat for almost a year... I like the active and colourful and peaceful bit for my first real aquarium. I'm excited to delve into this hobby and will surely get larger and fancier tanks in the future, I can't wait :3 good luck on the 125 gallon!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
i personally think u should get into african cichlids later on, there are 3 great rift lakes that these fish come from and i know in lake malawi alone there are over 6000 species. and the colors and variations and behaviors are realy amazing. and not all are agressive. peacocks in particular are not nearly as agressive as mbuna. and cichlids are typically best in slightly overstocked tanks. that is so one lone fish does not get singled out and it can get lost in the crowd. one other thing i find interesting about them myself is they way they reproduce. i find mouth brooding to be absolutly amazing. but also if you are interested in doing another tropical community tank i would suggest looking into doing a planted tank. for some reason live plants just seem to make the tank pop. and if u decide to go with a planted tank i would suggest looking into a dirt tank. i'm not sure if u have taken a look at my dirt tank post cronicalling my new journy but thus far it is a resounding success. but again just more things to think about lol. this hobby can be ultra simple to ultra hard and super cheap to super expensive. low tech to high tech. so many variables and so many different ways to keep fish and so many different verieties of fish to keep.


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
Thanks for the tips :) I was thinking about doing some sort of planted community as my next tank, but who knows when that will be. I need the money and the space for it. I'll eventually talk one of my parents into having it as a showpiece I think. I'll check out your dirt tank in a bit, and I'll think about the cichlids. They have always intrigued me with how nice their colours can be for freshwater fish.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
cichlids have colors only rivaled by saltwater i think. and for me i enjoy the agression. if u were to meet me u would think i am the most relaxed and laid back person ever,it takes alot for my to get riled up. but inside i am accually a rather agressive person and i think it shows more with ym driving then anything lol. but i think the agression of the cichlids compliments my internal agression. and i think thats what a fish tank should do. not just compliment your personal tastes but also your personality. i got a friend who is very outwardly agressive and he has mostly predatory fish and fish that tend to fight alot. and then i got another friend and not to sound mean but she is very bubbly and energetic and well rather vane. and she has very colorful fish that move around alot but are not agressive at all in a tank that is full of neon colored decorations and gravel. those are a few things i have noticed so i think when it realy boils down to it. i think a fish tank is an outward expression of who u are.


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
Hmm... Nice analogy. I can see that, and would probably consider myself in the same personality group as you actually. So again, something to think about. I've always been drawn in by cichlids, and could watch them for hours.

Dec 2, 2012
I would like to suggest some of the more calm cichlids. I have a Green Severum and Turquoise Severum. I will actually be getting two more today and combining them all into my 90 Gallon. The main reason I prefer the cichlids is because they are much more intelligent that the smaller schooling fish you have mentioned in this thread. The smaller zebra's platy's and swordtails seem to just swim around with no direction. The cichlids have amazing personallity and will often get to know their care takers when they enter the room. My severums will actually change colors depending on their mood. I love these traits and look forward to changing my tank around tonight.