

Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
otos are quite finicky. Yes, you need very good parameters and an established tank! Even if you used a bacteria starter.. which isn't always very reliable. If you do buy them, which you really shouldn't right away, be sure to buy from a really good lfs. I bought some for 1.99 from a chain store and 5/6 died. I've bought them from really good stores and they are ok.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Just to clarify on what someone already said, the reason to have an established tank before adding ottos is because they need algae to eat, as well as good parameters. Your parameters could be perfect, but if your tank hasn't been up long enough to grow some algae then its still a no go.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I guess the question is do you have any algae? I've bought otos from Petsmart and haven't had a problem. I can't tell you what are myths and what are truths. One of the employees - who has personal tanks - says don't give them wafers because they will get lazy. My tanks were about 2 months old when I put them in and they did fine. I haven't used any wafers. They are sensitive fish - supposedly because of they way they are captured in the wild. I have noticed they don't seem interested in the hair algae that was growing in the beta tank, but they do seem to be eating a lot of stuff I can barely see on the glass. This is just ME (for those of you that keep throwing all those letter combination's at me that means "my experience"!:)


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I tried that with three leopards and two golden. One of the goldens was too large and the wrong shape, and all it does is chase everything in the tank. Eventually I need to return the goldens and get a couple more leopards. IME-LMNOP


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Okay, I said this in ryan's thread about GBRs, but I'll say it here too...

The reason behind having a tank that has been established for at least six months for sensitive fish like otos and GBRs is because in a new tank, regardless of HOW it was started (bacterial supplements, old media, fishless cycle, fish-in cycle, whatever), there are fluctuations in the parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and even pH). This happens because the bacterial colonies are still getting established and are adjusting to the conditions of the tank (stocking, water quality, water change routine, etc). Otos, GBRs and discus (along with a few other species I can't think of right now because I'm too tired) are EXTREMELY sensitive to changes in parameters. In an older tank, everything has leveled out and the bacterial colonies are well-established, so the likelihood of a mini-cycle (unless you do something stupid) or a major fluctuation in parameters is less likely and more easily-handled by the bacteria.

THAT is why otos are recommended for mature tanks.

Oh, and your LFS has been able to keep the otos alive for so long with a steady source of algae because their tanks are established. They may have gotten lucky to get otos that will eat algae wafers (I know none of mine ever would).

I've said it before, but I'll say it again...algae eaters of ANY KIND should not be added to a tank unless there is already algae present! It's not a case of "too little, too late" or anything like that, it's a matter of good fishkeeping. Fish that eat algae in the wild are only present in places where there is algae in their natural habitat, so why would you put a fish into a situation it would not encounter in its natural environment where it would be deprived of its food source?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ive decided, and i know its the worst idea ever, but i decided to finish off my tank with 1 spotted Raphael. They get 1 inch bigger than Zipper and Rojo and it puts me at 110% stocking, il install the filter that came with my 10 gallon which is an aquatech 10-15 filter and be extra dilligent with my water changes, but ive set myself on this because theres really nothing else that i like that will work cause all i want now is a nice sized bottom dweller. I hope you guys arent to mad :/


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
How about instead of a spotted rapheal you make the addition of a small species of pleco. The common species are Bristlenose(IME best dang algae eater I have owned, better the oto's even), Clown(mine is lazy and hides 24/7, and Rubbernose(really good algae eater). I also have experience with L-02 but good luck finding one. They are banned from export in brazil.