Okay, I said this in ryan's thread about GBRs, but I'll say it here too...
The reason behind having a tank that has been established for at least six months for sensitive fish like otos and GBRs is because in a new tank, regardless of HOW it was started (bacterial supplements, old media, fishless cycle, fish-in cycle, whatever), there are fluctuations in the parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and even pH). This happens because the bacterial colonies are still getting established and are adjusting to the conditions of the tank (stocking, water quality, water change routine, etc). Otos, GBRs and discus (along with a few other species I can't think of right now because I'm too tired) are EXTREMELY sensitive to changes in parameters. In an older tank, everything has leveled out and the bacterial colonies are well-established, so the likelihood of a mini-cycle (unless you do something stupid) or a major fluctuation in parameters is less likely and more easily-handled by the bacteria.
THAT is why otos are recommended for mature tanks.
Oh, and your LFS has been able to keep the otos alive for so long with a steady source of algae because their tanks are established. They may have gotten lucky to get otos that will eat algae wafers (I know none of mine ever would).
I've said it before, but I'll say it again...algae eaters of ANY KIND should not be added to a tank unless there is already algae present! It's not a case of "too little, too late" or anything like that, it's a matter of good fishkeeping. Fish that eat algae in the wild are only present in places where there is algae in their natural habitat, so why would you put a fish into a situation it would not encounter in its natural environment where it would be deprived of its food source?