Strange Acting Tank Heater


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I do agree and eventually go to the longer intervals myself as it can take a while for the temp to stabilize, especially on larger tanks. The intervals eventually become day to day. I like to check a new heater fairly often at first to be sure that it is not overheating. A strong heater can raise the water temp pretty fast.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I finally got some pics of the old heater, the used heater I got from my friend, and the pregnant fish. Do you think that the black mollie is pregnant? (the gold specks are reflections from the flash)

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
skjl47 said:
hello; The method I use to set the thermostat follows; I turn the adjustment knob out to a low setting so that it does not come on when plugged in. I place it in the water unplugged for about a half hour or more. Plug it in and slowly turn the knob untill the indicator light just comes on without flickering. Go away for around ten minutes or so and then check the temperature. If still too low turn the adjustment knob ever so slightly untill the light just comes on and stays on again. Go away again for a while and check it later. Keep this sequence up untill the desired temp is reached. If too high go the other way in steps. The adjustment on most heaters is somewhat sensitive in my experience and the knob has to be turned only slightly to get to the final settings.
Thanks, I'll try that. This is the heater that I'm having trouble with.

SlateSpider said:
I can't edit the last one to change the photo things, but i forgot how to post photo's anyways.
For posting pictures, click the 'image' icon in the options above the post box. It's 4 to the right of the smiley face. Then select the pictures from your computer and press done. You can always click 'go advanced' (you can only see this button if you are in the quick reply, you can go to this by clicking '+ reply to thread' before you type anything.) In the advanced posting options, look below the text input box and you will see 'preview post'. If you click this button, then you can see if your pictures appear, so you don't have to constantly go back and edit your post.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Hey cray, how's your fish doing? And is your SAE nice and plump (good eating habits). It should like algae wafers if you think that it's not getting enough to eat. Just get the Hikari brand. I think that Hikari is the best brand for fish food.

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
I figured out that it is adjustable, you need to twist the bulb on top. However, it won't heat the tank at all. it heats up when I hold it in my hand, but not the water. I just changed the water, using warm water to replace it. Hopefully the heater will maintain the temp that I'm looking for.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Crayfish keeper said:
Hes doing great I picked up some algae wafers at the store and he loves them :)
Good for you!! I'm glad that he's been doing well. I have 3 Otocinclus affinis and now, a broken power filter. I'm asking my dad to buy an Aqueon Power Filter 30 for me. He hates the price. :p

SlateSpider said:
Okay, the heater is working now. Let's just keep our fingers crossed...
Good job!! I think that you needed to use warm water to start with. It takes a day or two for a heater to warm up cold water to a steady temperature. At least, in my experience...during the winter time. :D