substrate and cloudiness

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
It will be at least Sept or Oct before I can add fish. I've used up my hobbie fund. I just had my 6, 5lbs bags of marine sand go on back order. I see a lot of poeople use this sand from home depot. What do you use? I guess as long as it's silica free it should work fine right?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I used 40lb Carib-Sea Oolite, 40lb Carib-Sea Reef and 30 lb Aragamax-Live on top.

I thought about the Home Depot but couldn't get the carbonate based sand here anywhere as all the play sand they have around here is silca based. They say you can use it but I didn't want to as it is non-soluble and doesn't provide the buffering that carbonate sand does. This solubility is what they refer to as dissolving, though it doesn't disovle per se but actually shrinks.....sand beds need to be replenished due to this shrinkage over time. Besides it is a good thing to add more live sand occasionally to reinoculate your bed. Keep it stirred and you'll be fine. I put my live rock in and it was cloudy, within 24 hrs it was crystal clear. The bacteria on the rock weigh down the sand particulate in the water.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Just found out that 30lbs of my white marine sand is on back order. I do have a water packed bag of arag-alive coming tomorrow. Should I put that in the tank right away or could it sit until I get the other sand that I wanted to put down first.

Here is what I am getting:
30LBS Aragamax Sand
20LBS Aragalive Reef Sand
30LBS Marine White Sand - This is back ordered.

Are these a good mix?

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I would wait and put the live on top, just my opinion. I don't think it would make any difference as the arag-live just has bacteria in it and it will migrate through the other sand pretty quickly......