suggestion for cheap quarantine set up


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Once my tank is cycled (getting close....ammonia has been zero for several days), I'd like to look into a couple of dwarf cories. I'm looking for the cheapest quarantine set up if anyone could offer suggestions, please.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
rubbermaid sounds like a great idea. Would I really need to buy a HOB filter? I'm looking to spend as little as possible here. What would you say the basic set up needs to include?


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
I addition to the HOB & Heater, you'll need a thermometer so you don't boil/freeze the new lil' guys :p

I would also buy just a couple cheap plastic plants, weight them down with a rock or two, quarantine can be stressful enough, let alone they have no where to hide. A small terra-cotta pot makes a great "cheap" hideout as well.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
You can either run a second HOB on your current tank (just a little "10 gal" filter) or run a sponge filter in it. With your small tank, a Whisper 3i in-tank filter would probably serve your needs quite well without taking over your tank. Then, when you get some more fish, you can move that filter over to a small Rubbermaid type container (used ONLY for fish stuff!) with a small heater in it and some miscellaneous plants or decor (terracotta pots are a great choice -- no glazes! and never any soap!) and you have a nice, *cycled* quarantine tank. It would take about a month for a "good" number of beneficial bacteria to colonise the other filter but I would definitely give it at least a week or two and test the qt regularly) Don't bother with gravel or other niceties such as that -- everything should be reasonably bleachable and heatable should any nasties show their ugly heads. Make sure the tank is covered -- cories can definitely make a run for it!

I have a 2.5 gallon glass tank I use to qt little fish ($10 at PetSmart w/ a glass lid) A Whisper 10 fits perfectly on the end wall and a small submersible heater along the back wall. My one concern with plastic is that it be able to hold up against having a heater against it should it pop free. My goldfish qt tanks start with a 20 hex and move up from there.

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Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Great ideas! I saw that 2.5 gal tank and lid at Pet Smart this past Sun, and almost bought it. Think I'll go back later this week so I can get this Q tank started.

Also my local Superpetz is having a tank sale this weekend....$1 per gallon tanks. Thinking about a 20G for $20. And their filters, hoods, and stands will be 20% off. My husband's gonna wish he never got me started with this hobby!!


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Went back to Pet Smart and bought that 2.5 gallon and a 3i in tank filter. Seems like a good set up for quarantine, Seleya. And Denny, I also bought a thermometer and terra-cotta pot. I loved James' idea to use silicone and gravel to decorate (I think it was James)...may try it with the pot. My problem now is a heater. Haven't been able to find one that fits in this tank, and without it, the water temp drops to 70. My 6G stays at 78-80 without a heater due to the light and filter. I may have to put the whole qt tank for dwarf cories on hold since my platy starting having fry tonight. I think Mom and ?Dad may have been chowing down though....can only find 2 incredibly tiny fry. If any survive, than I will definitely not have room for dwarf cories.
Time for a bigger tank*BOUNCINGS


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
:D Nice to see someone else who cares enough to quarentine! :) I have had people look at me like I am just off the wall insane because I quarentine fish, but I have lost way too many fish that I was attached to from not having properly quarentined them or their tankmates, and now that I know how to properly quarentine, I will never tske the easy way out again!

About having the space for more fish, you only have the 2 platties in there besides the fry correct? And some live plants correct? I think you should be fine with adding 3 dwarf cories. Maybe look into adding more live plants, you can often get them for shipping, or catch Maha on a good day and you might not even have to pay shipping! LOL More plants = healthier environment for the fish. My only concearn is there will be more fry comming along all the time. What do you plan to do with them all?


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
It was $9.99. A little much considering you could buy a 10 g for the same. But I wanted something small with a good lid. I initially was gonna go with the rubbermaid, but Seleya had a point about the heater and the plastic. Now I just have to find a small enough heater to fit.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
I was checking out the 10 gal kit at wal-mart to use as a QT but did not want to spend $50. I might just buy the 10 gal tank w/o the filter, heater, etc. and run a second filter on my 29 gal tank and pick up a small heater.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Yep, just the 2 platies, since my peppered cory didn't make it though the cycling. I had planned on picking up some java fern or moss today, but the store was out. Will be checking back with them next week. I am seriously thinking of getting a bigger tank, then I thought I'd leave the male platy in the 6G with the cories and put the other platy in the new tank. I realize though that even after they're separated there may still be fry from what she has stored up from Dad. I'll just have to stock that bigger tank, with the female, with fish most likely to eat the fry. Does that sound reasonable?


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
tom91970 said:
I was checking out the 10 gal kit at wal-mart to use as a QT but did not want to spend $50. I might just buy the 10 gal tank w/o the filter, heater, etc. and run a second filter on my 29 gal tank and pick up a small heater.

What do you mean by run a second filter on your 29 gal?


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Oh, right! I was thinking of doing the same thing with the 3i in tank filter I got today (suggested by Seleya). Doesn't fit too well in my 6G. I'd have to bring the water level in the tank down about an inch and not sure if that would work for the other filter in there.

So when you're done using the QT you'd move the filter back to your main tank to keep the bacteria goin'? That beats leaving a couple fish in the QT to keep the bacteria up.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
lauraj said:
Oh, right! I was thinking of doing the same thing with the 3i in tank filter I got today (suggested by Seleya). Doesn't fit too well in my 6G. I'd have to bring the water level in the tank down about an inch and not sure if that would work for the other filter in there.

So when you're done using the QT you'd move the filter back to your main tank to keep the bacteria goin'? That beats leaving a couple fish in the QT to keep the bacteria up.

Exactly! You could store the empty tank until needed, just be sure to steralize it and anything you use in it. I had thought about just leaving a few fish in it but why run the risk of infecting other fish?