suggestion for cheap quarantine set up


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
Glad to hear you got the set-up. It's a nifty little tank. Whisper makes a small heater (25 watts, I believe) I've seen them at the Pet*s and also at Walmart. I use a 50 watt submersible diagonally in my 2.5 and it fits fine. If you happen to see them, those little "bullet" heaters don't really work very well and you cannot regulate what temp they are putting out, so you're much better off getting the Whisper or similar submersible. :)

What Tom mentions about keeping the filter on the other tank is really the best way to go. I am very nervous when I hear people keeping qts cycled with other fish -- this practice is fraught with problems from exposing the established fish to nasties to the inevitable mini-cycle or worse possible if the introduced fish causes enough of a jump in bioload and beyond. This is why I only use sterilizable or disposable stuff in my qt -- I never want to have regrets if the worst should happen.

I should mention, when I was new, I added fish and swapped them around with impunity and never lost one to a cycle and only a couple to disease. After I became more experienced and learned the science as well as the hobby and had drilled into me that one must always quarantine, I always quarantined until one time last summer -- that particular situation led me to need to introduce fish suddenly and I admittedly took the easy way since the source was well known and consistently reliable to me in the past -- end result: I lost around 3/4 of my pond fish within a 2 week period. All of the small fish as well as the large and many medium. Some of these fish were 10 yr old friends who would feed from my hand. Lightning strikes when we least expect it and there I was with lightening rods within reasonably easy grasp, all things considered. Never again. :(

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Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
That's learning the hard way! :( It must have been really hard losing fish you had so long. All us new fishkeepers are lucky to be able to take advantage of the experiences of everyone on this site. If someone had told me when I was a kid that one day we'd be able to communicate instantaneouly with anyone in the world this way....I never would have believed it. Wow, I just realized how old I sound! :eek:

Almost bought a submercible heater today, but the box said it would only bring temp up about 5 degrees, and the store I finally found one in wanted $20 for it. I ended up getting a 25W 8" Penn Plax heater. 6" would have been better, but no one had it. I'm too impatient for mail order. There is about a third of an inch clearance at the bottom. Also I don't own a heater since by 6G stays at 78-79 without a heater. I thought it would be good to have it on hand if ever needed ie as a possible treatment for ich, etc. And it was much less expensive. Tank's up to 75 so far.

Don't be dissapointed in me, but I've decided to try Bio Spiro to get the QT up to speed. Along with some stuff from my 6G tank (little bit of gravel, plant). After waiting 6 weeks to get that tank cycled, I have no patience left to wait for the in tank filter to grow bacteria for the 2.5G.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2007
When I had my female guppy (RIP) in quarantine, that's what I did, a sm heater and filter and she was set in a 2.5 gal. That's what I'd suggest. I took water from the tank she was in and added the heater to it.

Good luck hun!

Oh BTW, out petsmart here, had 10 gal aquariums on sale for 8.99 no lid tho


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Glad to hear this kind of set up has worked well for you chistanapi Now my patience is being tested, Dewd!

Thought I had this heater all regulated and working well to keep the temp consistent. Today, it's jumping around on me. Had planned on buying the cories today. :(

Guess you get what you pay for. Should've gone with a better one.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
My QT is on hold. Returning the cheap heater I got for a good Visi-therm. Also timing is bad since going away first week in March. Think I'll wait till after the trip to start the quarantine process for the cories. Probably best since the 6 gallon is just cycled.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
For a QT set up I think that is would be best that you go with a 10G. Not all fish should/will fit in a 2.5G tank. A 10G is small enough to set up and take down as needed. The plant for when I start buying fish is a 10G tank. It is good to see that people are taking better care of the fish they have.

Laura, Is there an ammonia sorce for your tank? If not it will un-cycle while you are gone. You can add some fish food to the tank and as it rotts it will create ammonia to keep your tank cycled.



Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Thanks for the suggestions, MaHa.

Actually I hadn't gotten very far with the QT set up, so I just broke it down and will set it back up when I get back. In the meantime, I laid the cartridge for the 3i filter (for the QT) in with the cartridge of my current tank's filter. That way I'll have some bacteria to start up the QT in March.

I'll save the Bio Spira for my new 29 gallon I hope to get in May......can hardly wait!!*twirlysmi