Sump Advice


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008

This is supposed to be the third pic, the wall between the refugium and the return section, it didn't download for some reason. Should the first baffle wall between the skimmer chamber and the return section be taller?? I am going to have this made out of 3/8 acrylic.

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Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
I would make the skimmer section as tall as possible while having the skimmer on a stand and still able to pull out (enough head room) because the returm will be the same if not lower then this section.

From what i've heard about filter socks they are ok to run for a short peroid of time to clean up the water. But they tend to clog fast and hold materail that the skimmer would pull out. I think some you can tie to the input to the sump. So you should be able to tie one on when needed if the pipe is high enough off the LR rubble in the bubble tower.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i made my skimmer section 9" and kind of wish i used a stand instead since the return section has to be lower so i made the return 8" but i supose that doesnt matter cause i use an ATO... only advantage to using a stand for the skimmer is i guess you would be adding to the total volume....i made a stand for my skimmer in the past out of eggcrate and wasnt totally happy with it because the skimmer would move around too much.... not sure which route ill go next time


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
oh and on the filter sock... im not using one ATM but i plan to set it up so i can run one when i wanna clear up the water fast... only reason i dont wanna use one all the time is because i KNOW i wont clean it every 2-3 days like you should :p itll be nice to have the option to run it when you want tho!