Switching to 77g


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Yep..i'm about the return my current pre-broken Stingray stand. The only toher available is a 48x18 like this one : http://www.elmersaquarium.com/h105pinestand.htm
Since my new tank is 48"x16", it wouldn't really fit due to two wooden sticks
glued ( i think ) on the top shelf of the stand to center a 18" wide tank.
But...it's solid wood and i know a guy with a 110g that has one, and he's happy. I could sand the wooden sticks ?!
I think i know why my ballast die...my building is very very old and the electricity is variable. The landlord can't be hold responsible, and hydro-quebec decline all responsabilities...as long as they give you electricity, they don't have to help you more. Better find a power conditioner...and everyone should try to find those..hydro-quebec has more clients in the states than here and the policy is the same. Some people have spikes over 247v on a 115v wire..doesn't take long to burn. Already lost a brand new 160 gigs hard disk.
Those power conditioners can be found in Hifi stores and can filter the squared waves.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yes, you definitely need to get one of those power regulators. They can easily fry your computer and other sensitive electrical equipment. I used to use one on my PC when I lived somewhere with very variable power... I would watch the needle swing back and forth with the power spikes. :eek:


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Mkay the Giesemann guy came today, didn't asked to see the warranty, and gave me another ballast, not the same. He told me the old one was so bad that he had a 50% return rate and the new one, 0% .
Yay..it looks like the light is actually brighter than before.
I gave away my bubble coral..150w of old 20k MH on a 24" isn't enough..anyways the new owner has 500w under his hood...much better and now i have more place for less agressive ones.

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