takemates for red bellied piranha


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
piranhas shouldnt be in a 10G tank, get a bigger tank for starters. They will find the guppies soon enough. Piranhas are also much more aggressive in numbers.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
oh, to be more relevant to the rest of the thread. Someone mentioned how piranhas will coexist with SA cichlids and such; It shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you don't keep a school of piranhas. Piranhas tend to be a bit on the shy side and might actually give way to the bigger oscars, pacu, dempseys, etc. BUT if you give a piranha 4-5 buddies, their strength seems to lie in numbers, then I would fear for your oscar's life!!! =P


Medium Fish
Jan 17, 2009
at the aquarium i work at, we keep pirhana without any problems with BIG plecs and what i think are called lepporanidae (the black and yellow fish in the pic..i'm embarrassed to say i can't recall the name!).

Banded Leporinus. I was shocked when I found out the Petsmart down the street sold these things for like 6 dollars and had them labeled semi agg. 8 inches max. Crying shame.

Aug 15, 2009
Knoxville, TN
It's possible but you ALWAYS run they risk of losing fish. They could cohab for years and then one day you come home to missing fish. Believe me I know. People say a Spilo and a Natty would never work, I'm just fearing for they day I come home and they are right..

Oct 26, 2009
I have had a plecostomus in with my 5 inch red bellies and they have never bothered him. Not even a small fin nip. Plus you get the benefits of getting your tank cleaned? Do you have any problems with keeping your ammonia levels in check because mine stay high but I have 6 in a 55gal, so hopefully soon I can step up to a 100-150 gallon.

Oct 28, 2009
I once had two 6 inch red bellies and a black piranha in a 75 gallon tank along with a snakehead, and from time to time bits of it's tail were missing. But, as Knox said, with Piranha there is no guarantee they won't kill anything else you put in there eventually.

Jun 12, 2011
I had 5 rbp in a 55gal tank since they were juveniles and once they got to be about 2 inches in length one piranha ate the other 4 in one day. i even tried a pleco that was 5 inches and he ate it, he even eats snails of any size
the only thing that lived for a good amount of time was a group of chiclids we put in as feeders (got them cheap) the rbp was prob about 4.5 inches long at the time and the other fish were about an inch. a group of 5 out of 40 lasted about a month b4 he finally ate them.
hes a good 6inches now and im going to try and put in some chiclids to see if they last
theyr very aggressive but my parents had a school of them and u could pet them in the tank.
Its all about the personality of the fish

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