Sorry for the silence guys, I was away for a weekend of snowmobiling(which was a laugh).
I know my pH is low, and nothing seems to help it... I use Reef Crystals, but a friend uses IO and his was at 7.7 as well. I'm trying to raise it slowly using Seachem Reef Builder, but it doesn't seem to be working yet.
Coolwaters I'm not sure what Fafsa is, but I'm in Canada so I doubt it is an option. I am getting student loans, but they don't give you much, and I have car payments and such, so there is very little spending money.
Lotus, Your question is one that has me confused... my ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are all coming up zero... it doesn't seem right to me. Especially with the algae outbreak i'm having.
On a positive note, I just checked for signs of life; so far I've seen several bristle worms, some sort of pod, and a small starfish. I hope it survives!