'Tales of an Oscar'

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Those of us who have oscars know that they've got big personalities. We often love em' just as much as we would any other pet, and oftentimes they end up receiving just about the same degree of respect and appreciation as any family member would. Matter of fact---they often are considered 'family.' And let's face it---we enjoy sharing pics and stories about our oscar's antics.

The rest of you who have not yet had the privilege of owning an oscar may not quite understand just how unique these fish really are. But by all means feel free to follow along. You just might end up owning one much sooner than you think, and then you'll know what all the 'fuss' is about...


I'll start us off...
For this 'oscar tale,' you'll need to picture Triton speaking in the voice of the actor Michael Clarke Duncan (the huge prisoner from the movie The Green Mile). For those of you who don't know, he's got a very deep, yet gentle voice in the movie and refers to his prison guard as 'boss.'

"It's already 4 o'clock and I'm hungry boss...haven't eaten all day, can't you find it in your heart to feed me?" *crazysmil

"Thanks, boss...I'm just gonna go over here so those tiger barbs don't pester me while I'm eating."

"Ahhh, there...now I can eat in peace."

"Oh, great---looks who's here...grrr...can't they ever just leave my food alone?"

"Time to go find another feeding spot."

"Oh, no---don't you be chasin' after my food again!"

*sigh* "Not again..."

"Yup, you just keep at it and I'll have you for dinner someday...you'll see..." :mad:

Your turn guys & gals!
Remember, fellow oscar owners---it's gotta be done with pics and some sort of explanation/narration!


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Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
I should do this, but the only problem is that whenever I'm around the tank, Meaty is up at the glass :p So it would basically consist of...

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Thanks guys...I'm glad Triton's little adventure was entertaining and inspiring for some of you. Oscars are really great!

Katie...I'm sure Meaty will have some adventures of his own that you'll capture in pics someday. It won't be planned though---you'll just take a bunch of pics, look at them, and then discover that there's actually a 'story' in there somehow. That's how Triton's little feeding adventure happened. I know, I know...kinda goofy, but whatever, I was bored...and I love taking pics of my fish (especially Triton)! :D


Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
Oscars are great and as you said such big personalities, I wish I had the space for one!

How is Triton getting on with the Tigers? do they tease him, a group I kept used to tease the male of my spawning Kribs circling him, much to his frustration he could never get them!

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
IDunnoWhy said:
BTW: Tritons pics are awesome! Is he coloring up more? It just seems to me his colors are more vibrant now.
Thanks, Denny.
Well, he's definitely getting bigger, which makes the coloring he has stand out even more...not sure if it's actually more vibrant, but it wouldn't surprise me (I feed him lots of 'goodies'). ;)

Lovingmytank said:
How is Triton getting on with the Tigers? do they tease him
To put it bluntly, they steer clear the hell away from him!
Didn't always used to be that way---when I first put him in the tank they tormented him mercilessly. He hid under some driftwood for a while, but then within a matter of minutes I saw tiger barbs scrambling out of there (Triton was chasing them). By the end of his second day in my tank, Triton was clearly boss---out swimming around and chasing after anything that tried sneaking up on him (which the tiger barbs started doing once they realized that swimming directly up to Triton's face wasn't the greatest idea).

Wasn't long before he figured out their 'ambush' tactics and turned around to chase after them whenever they followed or nipped at his tail. Now it's gotten to the point where he swims wherever he bloody well pleases and every other fish in that tank had better get out of the way in a hurry! Only time the tiger barbs are able to get close to him is when he's got a mouth full of food. They seem to realize that he can't quite fit them in his mouth along with the food, but pretty soon he'll be able to...and then it's 'lights out' for the T-barbs.

Thanks for the comments!
Now hopefully Katie, Heather, Jess, and Krystal (and any other oscar owners out there) will share some of their 'oscar tales', hint, hint... I don't want this to be just BV's thread. ;)


P.S. Yes Helena, Matt's right---that black thing is the heater.

haha... I just tell the tales as they happen..I dont take pics of anything well enough to save my life...

Last night mama and i were sittng on the bed and Drae was at the top of the tank begging (again!) and we werent paying attention to him. All of a sudden we heard a loud "bump" and couldnt figure out what it was. Draegan wanted attention! So we ignored him again and he jumped up and splashed and hit the glass canopies... We fed him after that The little brat!

Draegan also gives kisses!!! Mama will be baby talkin him and hw will nudge the glass with his mouth and she will press her lips to it snd he keeps his little mouth pressed to the glass until she stops kissin the tank.Then he goes on about his business... He is too danged cute... Guess I will have to drag out the camcorder and record it... It is too sweet!

BV wait till you see him sittin on the bottom after he has eaten his first TB! Will scare you to death! Fat and lazy after they swallow a larger feeder fish!

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
missdixie256 said:
Draegan also gives kisses!!!...
Guess I will have to drag out the camcorder and record it... It is too sweet!
Wow! Yes, definitely 'drag out' the camcorder and show us!

missdixie256 said:
BV wait till you see him sittin on the bottom after he has eaten his first TB! Will scare you to death! Fat and lazy after they swallow a larger feeder fish!
Thanks for the heads-up.
I'll try to remember what you said and not panic whenever this happens with Triton. :cool:


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Begging for Food

No 'cute' pics this time folks, sorry.
Just wanted to post briefly about my first experience with my oscar 'begging' for food.
It might bore you to death, but I thought it was pretty interesting...

7:00 PM...I just finished eating a late supper and then went and sat at my computer (right beside Triton's tank). Within minutes I heard 'chomping' at the surface of the water. Try to imagine the sound you hear when slapping your hand on water...that's what I was hearing, and it was loud (well, for such a small fish---it could be heard from across the room). Anyway, I just shrugged it off as Triton playing with the bubbles or something. After all, I had seen him doing this once or twice before, but it usually didn't last for very long. This time he kept it up over the course of about 15 or 20 minutes before I finally clued in and realized that I hadn't given him his 2nd feeding of the day---he was begging to be fed!

A big coincidence, perhaps? I'm not so sure.
He didn't start 'begging' until he saw me sitting at the computer, and he never 'begged' the rest of the evening after having been fed---even though I was at the computer again. Sure, some of my other fish (esp. platies and angelfish) appear to be begging at their tanks when I'm watching them...BUT, then again, they also swim up to the glass 'begging' whenever they detect any movement in the room. Triton wasn't doing this, even though we were busy walking by his tank numerous times while getting supper ready. He only started 'begging' when I was actually sitting right by his tank, not even watching him.

Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions here, but I don't think so.
For now, I'll let you be the judge. Only time will tell whether or not he starts 'begging' again...;)


P.S. Heather---we're still waiting on that video of Drae giving kisses and head-banging and whatnot, lol. *crazysmil