New Arrivals
One of my black Mollies had babies! The other one looks pregnant too, so I don't know when she will give birth.
I have counted 9 and there are most likely going to be more hiding in the rocks and plants!
I came out of my room going to get lemon juice from the kitchen (for an experiment), and I saw one TINY baby swimming along the surface of the water. I quickly forgot about the lemon juice, and was running around the house getting the divider and breeder net, in an effort to save some babies, and to keep the mother from being stressed out from everyone trying to eat the babies.
First I put the divider in and put the 2 black mollies on the other side of the divider (until I was sure which one was having the babies), put all the babies in the breeder net, and put some stress coat stuff in the water. Everyone settled down, and the babies are fine!
I now have *counts in head* 24 fish and a snail! 15 of which (3 mollies, 9 fry, 1 catfish, 2 danios. Oh, and the snail) are in the 10g tank, and the 8 older fry are in the 5.5g (I have found homes for them for when they get a bit older). My betta is all alone in his bowl!
Well, that is my tank update! I hope it wasn't too long, but i'm so exited from the new babies!