
Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
im asuming you wont be getting anything which eats crustaceans

go for more crabs to get stuff off the gravel. I would get 1 emerald crab and probably 5 smaller crabs (either blue legged or red legged)...make sure you get the small ones, not the ones which grow to like 3 or 4in...these guys should stay around 1in

snails are good for cleaning stuff up too...diatoms, your glass, etc. i think nassarius snails are awesome for getting down into the sand, either them or bumble bee snails. i like my cerith snails because they constantly breed = don't have to buy more every couple years. Probably, in a tank that size, a turbo is not necessary. I say get [5 nassarius or 5 bumble bees] and 5 ceriths

if you want a sort of show snail (mind you it will probably cost $10) the chestnut cowry is herbivorous, and a good choice

hope that gives you some help