tank cycling with fish


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
I set up a new 6 gal tank, let the filter run for a couple of days, then introduced 2 platies and a bottom feeder cat fish on 12/28. Now going through the tank cycling process. Any suggestions for ways to increase my chances of saving these fish from doom while going through the cycling?


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
cycling with fish

I attempted my first syphoning water change today. Found out the hard way that I need a smaller set up. Was down to the 25 % mark way before I was done syphoning the gravel. When is it too soon to change again with a smaller syphoning set up?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
As long as the new water is dechlorinated and a similar temperature to the water in the tank, you can do water changes as often as you want. Definitely try to keep ammonia and nitrites below 1ppm (assuming you're testing for them).

While cycling, you shouldn't change the filter media (cartridge), and it's probably best not to vacuum the gravel too often. If there is a lot of uneaten food in the gravel, you should feed less.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Thanks for your suggestions. I do have a lot to learn and with all the excellent info on this site, I'm well on my way. I will do my best to save these fish!


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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lauraj said:
I set up a new 6 gal tank, let the filter run for a couple of days, then introduced 2 platies and a bottom feeder cat fish on 12/28. Now going through the tank cycling process. Any suggestions for ways to increase my chances of saving these fish from doom while going through the cycling?

Grrrr ....

Yeah - ( a few)

Number one - Catfish are not a good idea when cycling a tank - they are amongst the least Ammonia resistant fish out there - and as you say yourself, "doom" is the operative word here - you seem to care about the welfare of the fish (by asking the qusetion) - yet in the same sentence admit to a basic error of choice (of fish to cycle with).

Please don't get me wrong - this is not a personal attack - just a (grrr) on behalf of that catfish - I like the things - ok. No-ones perfect - least of all me - so let's just try and deal with this ......

Cleaning the gravel is the last thing you need to be doing - the gravel will hold the stuff that needs to be there for the bacteria that "cycle" a tank - so concentrate on water changes and water condition monitoring - it's the water condition that will decide if the fish live or die - not the gravel.

The fact that you have run the filter for 2 days before hand makes no difference at all - you will run through the cycle anyway - so keep the parameters right down - especially with a cat in there. The Platties will fare better - that cat is the weak point here.

Be prepare to do 50% water changes whenever you get an ammonia reading or you will loose the cat. Ultimately this will not slow down the cycling process - the bacteria is not (mostly) in the water - it's on the surfaces of the filter and the tank. But if you delay the cats gills will fry and you'll lose that particular fish (I've watched it happen - and it 'aint pretty).

What's done is done - let's try and make the best of it ........

This one is going to be tougher than most tank cycles cos of that cat - so you'll have to be more carefull than most - but it can be done.......


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
Caring is the first step - the second is awareness - and you're in the right place for advice on that score.

In your situation, don't worry about changing too much water at one time - just keep that ammonia down as much as possible - don't worry about the cycle , it will happen anyway - just keep watching and changing water.

No need to panic - just a need to be very carefull about cycling that tank with a cat in it.

What kind of cat is it ?


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
It's definately a type of Cory, but I'm not sure which kind.

Ammonia level about 1 ppm after the 25 % water exchange, so exchanged another 25 %. We'll see what tomorrow brings.


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
wow i'm actually finding this thread very useful!! i too have been cycling my (29G) tank with fish... and i've been vacuuming the gravel when i do my water changes! :eek: i didn't realize i wasn't supposed to.. which was really stupid, considering i knew that adding gravel from my sisters established tank is useful. i also have two cories (they were sold to me as emerald cories, but i've decided they're not - most likely bronze cories), but they seem to be doing well, though a little skittish.

i know it would be better for me to be cycling my tank without fish... but since i bought the fish, i'm just doing the best i can now. and hopefully, my cycle will speed a bit up now that i know not to vacuum the gravel!

i don't mean to change the subject entirely, but if i want to use the bio filter in my sister's 10 gallon, can i just swap the media from our two tanks? will it affect her tank? i've heard it is a quick way to cycle my tank, but i don't want to mess up either of our tanks. :)


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
is it ok to have both my biological media and hers in my tank? i have em both sqeezed in there right now...

yesterday my water stats were:
ammonia 1.0 ppm
nitrite 0.5
nitrate 0

today (about 6 hours after putting her filter media in my filter):
ammonia 1.0 ppm
nitrite 3.0
nitrate 10

i haven't changed the water yet, should i do that now?

edited to add: sorry for being a thread stealer :eek:


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
No problem Jessey......I'm at a stand still right now anyway. By the way....my cat is still doing well!! Yeah!! Hope it keeps it up.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
I've been doing WC's daily since I first posted about my new tank, since the ammonia level has been about 1 ppm every day. No Nitrites yet. I think part of the problem is that I went by the instructions that came with my aquarium kit, and changed the filter cartridge the night before my first post. Now I know that was definately the wrong thing to do! These kits really should offer more accurate info. It said to change the filter every 2-4 weeks. It also said to thoroughly syphone clean the gravel. I had no idea I couldn't trust their instructions to be correct. The one correct thing they said was to never change the bio wheel. The tank is only 13 days old, so I realize I have a long way to go till cycled.

Any more suggestions from anyone, or should I just check daily for ammonia and nitrite with WC's for any readings of 1 or higher?

Again, for anyone just coming in, I have a 6G with 2 platies and a cory catfish. These were suggested to me my the pet shop staff. But now I know where to get good info...right here!


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Another helpful hint...You can reuse filter media by just rinsing it out in old fish tank water. No need to buy more expensive cartridges. You don't really need the activated carbon.