Tank finally up and going (Pics include)


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
So i finally got the supplys for my tank today, Some gravel was all i needed and i still need to get 1 more bag cause what i thought would cover it didnt. Here are a few pictures and i have some questions. First off, When should i do the Tetra Safe Start and add my fish? I have added in my dechlorinator so that leaves 24 hours of time.



Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Wait 7 days. Dechlorinator kills tetra safe start. Or at least that's what the article someone else found said.

After 7 days add your tetra safe start, wait two hours, add a single fish, wait a day or four, add another fish. It's possible to add all your fish at once, but they only suggest that for cichlids.

Edit: in the meantime you could add a small piece of leftover wood to the right feet of your table so it levels out the water. :D (I have the same problem.)


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Yeah, make sure you level that out somehow. You could put some sort of foam under the tank, though I've read mixed opinions on that, or just something under the table like aak suggested. I've done both and they've both worked out fine for me.

Nice looking tank by the way. I'm still a fan of the wooden frame.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I was looking forward to being able to keep Kribs *sigh* well onto trying to figure out a new stocking plan. I returned all of my fish yesterday to the petstore except my Betta's Felix and Romeo. So now im free to stock the 10 gallon freely. The only thing i can think of at the moment is a Male Paradise fish for my centerpiece. Give me some good idea's for a nice peacful 10 gallon suitable Bottom feeder and something i can keep a nice school of please :D (Also Aqadvisor told me that A male paradise would eat any Ghost Shrimp i put in there, is that true?)

Oh my, that's my worst fear -- a tank breaking! At least it'd be much better that it breaks without inhabitants in it. Sorry about your tank :(

I second the cories for bottom feeders, I know most everyone suggests them but it's for a good reason, they're fantastic! I also don't know much about Paradise fish...

I think I've come to decide from my own experience that most anything will pick at shrimp, especially the smaller 1" sized species. My SAE picked at mine, but he didn't have any other SAE buddies, so that's probably why. My school of Kuhli's picked on the shrimp too. So far my cories haven't and my cardinals, black neons, guppies, and rummies never have. Anything new I introduce to my tank seems to pick at the shrimp. That's why you usually see shrimp only tanks, or shrimp with schools of fish that don't get very big...

So I'd just be cautious and at least it'd only be the death of a ghost shrimp they're pretty cheap, I'm pretty sure my SAE killed both of my CRS, gaah. Awful.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
From what I was reading (because I'm looking into getting one too) a Paradise Fish/Gourami is a slightly more aggressive to smaller fish version of the standard gourami. Badman's statement was "one of the few fish fast enough to eat a danio". Apparently it doesn't pester any fish that are bigger than a couple inches.

Oh, and it's supposed to be one of the original tropical fish waaaay back in the day. They brought them over in old milk barrels and it was about the only thing that survived.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Ok i have the tank setup and going its a 20 gallon tank (was in a kit) and came with filter heater and Declorinator. Im not adding the Tetra Safe Start until 2 weeks from now so im sure its safe :) Im going to play around on Aqadvisor for a lil while until i find a good stocking plan for me will post my results here when i figure it out


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
full grown guppy can be quite large, maybe 2 inches for a female, so i'd be worried for tetras. maybe add the african butterfly last, like after the tetras have grown to adult size and all.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Grats on the new tank after the wooden tank breakage. Does your LFS have paradise fish? I know three of the four LFS in my area don't. Even the one that has several full sized red tail catfish doesn't.

It's a really pretty fish though.