Tank mates...

Jul 10, 2006
so im planning on getting a 10 gallon tank and id really like to get some dwarf puffer fish do you guys think they would go good with guppies?..if not do you guys have any recomendations?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Dwarf puffers do best alone or, at most, with several 'unobtrusive' bottomfeeders. Anything occupying their swimming space (including guppies) is likely to get tormented to death.

You could get 3 dwarf puffers for a tank that size.
Maybe 1 male and 2 females might work best. Others may recommend all females.

I housed 3 dwarf puffers together in a longer, 6.6 gallon tank without any significant aggression problems. Their tankmates consisted of several kuhli loaches.

Whatever you do, just make sure that the tank decor is thick and provides barriers to 'lines of sight' so that the puffers stay active and curious without constantly running into each other. Dense 'jungles' of live plants is best.

Big Vine

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
You're welcome!
And remember, dwarf puffers are freshwater fish that do NOT require aquarium salt in their water (the LFS people may say otherwise, but they are mistaken).

Make sure you get some frozen bloodworms to feed them. They may be finicky and refuse to eat at first (a few days without eating is fine, so don't panic if they do this).

Also, you'll probably find it best to 'target-feed' them using an eye-dropper to dispense the bloodworms into the tank. Just dangle the dropper just below the surface of the water with a worm sticking out of it, and the puffers will come up and grab them. (or, if they don't grab them, just let a few drop down into the water while the puffers are looking at the eye-dropper so that they locate them as they sink)

Don't worry, feeding won't always be so complex...just at first, mainly. ;)

Big Vine