0.25 ppm on Nitrites as stated before. Here is the specific clean up crew I procured, and you will notice that it's probably a pretty heavy load.
10 x Margarita Snails
2 x Turbo Snails
1 x Nerite Snail
3 x Nassarius Snails
1 x Conch
2 x Scarlet Reef Hermits
No loss yet (and I will knock on virtual wood once again), but the LFS told me to expect some fall out, even if everything was perfect.
Joey, something I thought about. I'm told snails are more sensative to change than hermits. The fact that you lost hermits may be because of the LFS not because of you. Not sure, but if you haven't lost snail, this is what I would suspect. Though the speciality stores do a very good job of keeping their animals in good condition, one small problem could happen (say the heater broke, or something dropped in that wasn't supposed to) and you know they would still try to sell those. Just a thought for you.