Tank water problems :( Helpppppppp

Sep 24, 2008
i changed the filter too soon i guess :( and i also vacuumed the gravel. guess i did the whole cycling thing wrong :(

well i'll know for next time...

does anyone know about putting the african dwaf from with 2 1/2 week old guppy fry?

Sep 24, 2008
wow i had a migraine while typing that before..sorry about the typos...

yes i have an african dwarf frog living in the tank that i want to start over with and re-cycle...but the only place i have to put him is a tank with 2 1/2 wk old guppy fry...

so i dunno if i can do it...

*GOLDFISH* i just thought that was cute lol

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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never kept african dwarf frogs, so hard to say, but a lot of things will eat guppy fry. if the fry have enough places to hide they should be ok. also, and not sound cruel, guppy fry are not hard to come by, so losing them isn't the end of the world.


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
well, as far as I know, ADF are incredibly 'dumb' animals- they have very poor eyesight and are very slow to find food. I am not sure what your tank is like or where your fish sleep, but if your guppy fry are anything like mine are, then they might be sleeping among leaves of plants or in decorations. If they are on the bottom, the frog might get them, I am not sure. But if they are up high then the frog is very unlikely to get them.

I have never kept frogs either though, so I am no expert :p.

Sep 24, 2008
yea i put him in with the fry...and since i dont have any more guppy adults left it would be hard to get more fry :(

so i think my last fish from the main tank is dying...

how can i disinfect the stuff from that tank??
and should i start the recycling process now...or when i move in dec??

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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i'm just saying that guppies aren't a hard fish to come by, and once you get a few more adults, fry will be everywhere once more. if you want to disinfect, give it all a nice bleach bath (not straight bleach, mixed with water), then rinse it all off really well after, let everything dry out. should be good to go.

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Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
yea i put him in with the fry...and since i dont have any more guppy adults left it would be hard to get more fry :(

so i think my last fish from the main tank is dying...

how can i disinfect the stuff from that tank??
and should i start the recycling process now...or when i move in dec??
Try and keep alive what you have now, and do a proper fishless-cycle for all of your tanks when you move to your new place. No sense in using fish to cycle tanks when they will die 95% of the time, unless you want them to die... :p you should probably do more research next time before purchasing things like... your ADF. The frog btw will not do well with any other bottom feeders or lots of fish because they are very slow to get food, and if they have a lot of competition for eating, then they will get the food never, and die of starvation. They should probably be kept alone, or with fish that are very shy about eating as well.

Sep 24, 2008
well there are no bottom feeders in my guppy fry tank..and i already knew about them being slow to find food...

i never had fry before...so that was why i questioned putting the frog with them, and that was only to fix the problems with my main tank.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
well there are no bottom feeders in my guppy fry tank..and i already knew about them being slow to find food...

i never had fry before...so that was why i questioned putting the frog with them, and that was only to fix the problems with my main tank.
your fry should be okay then, it'll be a miracle if they swim into the frogs mouth, lol *crazysmil


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
In summary, when first cycling, do not switch the filter unless absolutely necessary, and wait another month or two after the tank is cycled to swap it out fully. I hope this helps clear some things up. I apologize if this post is seen as a hijack.
Not at all...I think it's very good information...should be stickied! You don't find alot of info about this in particular and not many know!