Four in the house: 75 gallon, 2 x 45 gallon, 10 gallon on my desk.
Somewhere in the region of 80 in the shed/fish house, 42 on racks ready to rock, and 40 ish waiting to be done. 8)
If the bank manager is nice to me on monday I will be opening a store in one of our local towns.
If he is not nice I will have to switch to plan B.
Plan B, everyone sends me $50. 8)
if i even had 50 dollars.. i'd spend it on some funky useless piece of fish equipment... but i've got a 10 gallon right now and soon a 25 ;D that's exciting.
well i have 3 setup and 1 not.
first tank is a 10 gallon hex with 4 tetras (2 beunos aires tetras and 2 black widows) and 1 cory.
the second tank is a 20 gallon that has a few zebra danios in. but will be switched over to neon tetras and guppies.
then my pride is my 55 gallon. it has 2 blue rams and 2 cories. gonna add some angels and more rams as soon as they become available
and my last is a 10 gallon tank that is emergency back up...or until i get bored and start up a small goldfish or beta tank
7 right now with a 65 coming tomorrow!!!! Hmm, OBK, you need a home for any of those extra tanks of yours? I know where there's a good one... ;D
2 empty, 1 10g QT, 1 10g community, 1 5.5 divided on the desk, 2x20g...cichlids...that's who the 65 is for
4 in my bedroom...55G, 40G, 20G, 10G. (Dylan can hear them from Canada :-*)
2 in the garage half undone, 20G for breeding the bettas and a 10G hospital.
Trying to get one in the lounge's not gonna happen
She never got the 90g, she wanted it, but she got a 55g instead. The 90 was only 3 ft anyways, not 4ft like the 55g, which is better for fish that swim, like her oscars.
As for you kitten, all I have to say is :-* :-* :-* (love you).
Y'gads some of y'all are fish NUTS! Next time my wife gives me the business about how many tanks/fish/plants I've got, I can now show her it could be WAY worse! ;D Thanks, y'all!
Go for it, Cloth. That way I'll know that there's at least 1 LFS that really knows his stuff.
Oh, yeah, the topic........:
Got a 55 that I just got (traded a carving for it) that I'm still populating, a 20gal, and a 2.5 without anything in it right now.
I have 4... one of them broght it yesterday.... it is a 45 G with a full grown oscar... a 35 gallons with angels... a 20G for platies and gupies... and a 10 G for hospital/bredding tank- empty for the moment----
In my 29 gallon I have 1 pleco 2 american flagfish 5 cory cats. In my ten gallon I have 5 neon tetras and 3 harlequin rasboras. In my other 10 I have two small angels (just for now) and a algea eater. My 29 gallon is planted and my 10s have plastic plants and rocks and driftwood. ;D