Both the 55 and the 20 are heavily planted, though the 20 is a little better off in that department becasue it's been set up longer. The 2.5 will as soon as I can rig a switch for the light. As for fish....
2.5 gal.
currently: none
planned: none (Hospital Tank)
20 gal
currently: 8 neons, 1 Paradise (Butch), 2 dwarf gouramis, 3 corys (the puppies), 2 ghost shrimp, 1 bristlenose (Kirby), 2 serape tetra, 1 otto
planned (and on order ;D ): 20 cardinals, 5 Praecox Rainbowfish
55 gal
currently: 2 dwarf gouramis (powder blue), 1 Paradise (Thelma), 1 cory (Ra), 6 otto, 8 ghost shrimp, and 1 bumblebee cat.
planned (and also on order ;D ;D ):2 Julli corys, 1 farowella, 1 bristlenose, 6 Bosemani Rainbowfish, 2 Blue Rams
Yes, I know I'm pushing it on stocking, but I do my water changes, the plants, rocks, and driftwood leave lots of places to hide, and each tank has twice the filtering that's reccomended. Eventually I'll post a picture of 'em, but I want to get 'em a little more grown out first.