
nah - i have alot though. in my show tank i have a bunch of tetras and ottos and a pleco. every other tank has discus in it.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Both the 55 and the 20 are heavily planted, though the 20 is a little better off in that department becasue it's been set up longer.  The 2.5 will as soon as I can rig a switch for the light.  As for fish....
2.5 gal.
currently: none
planned: none (Hospital Tank)

20 gal
currently: 8 neons, 1 Paradise (Butch), 2 dwarf gouramis, 3 corys (the puppies), 2 ghost shrimp, 1 bristlenose (Kirby), 2 serape tetra, 1 otto
planned (and on order ;D ): 20 cardinals, 5 Praecox Rainbowfish

55 gal
currently: 2 dwarf gouramis (powder blue), 1 Paradise (Thelma), 1 cory (Ra), 6 otto, 8 ghost shrimp, and 1 bumblebee cat.
planned (and also on order  ;D ;D ):2 Julli corys, 1 farowella, 1 bristlenose, 6 Bosemani Rainbowfish, 2 Blue Rams

Yes, I know I'm pushing it on stocking, but I do my water changes, the plants, rocks, and driftwood leave lots of places to hide, and each tank has twice the filtering that's reccomended.  Eventually I'll post a picture of 'em, but I want to get 'em a little more grown out first.

I already did this but I didn't give any details so here I go again.

5 1/2 gallon
1 guppy, 1 platy, 1 oto, 2 cherry barbs

10 gallon (quarantine)
1 java khuli loach, 3 pearl gouramis
plan: loach is going to the 20 gallon, gouramis are going to the 55 gallon

10 gallon (fry)
50-100 platy babies, 2 khuli loaches
plan: anyone want some platies? I couldn't let them get eaten because the parents are so beautiful. I didn't realize this many would survive the mouth of mom. should I take a few random scoops with the net and feed them to my other fish and just raise a few to give to the lfs? when I bought these loaches they were teeny tiny. I want to wait until they grow a little before putting them in the 55 gal so they don't get eaten or sucked up in the power filter.

20 gallon
1 pearl gourami, 2 platies
plan: gourami is going into my 55 gal, my sister is getting the platies. going to change substrate, stand, and location and add live plants then put 2 blue rams, 2 otos, 2 java khuli loaches, 6 harlequin rasboras, and 4 bandit corydoras.

55 gallon
1 khuli loach, 7 peppered corydoras, 6 platies, 2 silvertip tetras (over 5 years old), 5 black skirt tetras, 12 cherry barbs (3 over 4 years old)
plan: adding 4 pearl gouramis, 2 khuli loaches, 4 otos

Yes I tend to overstock too. I keep up with my cleaning and have lots of filtration. The problem is I have trouble parting with babies sometimes. Not counting the platy fry, 17 of my fish were raised by me from babies. They are platies (5), cherry barbs (10), and peppered corydoras (2). I may have to give up a few more cherry barbs. I start out with a good stocking plan but end up adding more fish than I intended to.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a job and I have since I was 13 and that's how I have all of my fish stuff. Except for the 29 gallon tank and stand. That was a present. ;D I have many things to pay for each month though and that takes up most of my money and then I'm trying to save up to get another horse! That'll be # 21 ;D Horses are my #1 hobby. Fish are #2 right now but that's not far behind. ;D I only work about 5-8 hours a day making $5 and hour. But that's pretty good for a 14 year old. Then each month I have about $150 -$170 of stuff I have to buy and then there's some unnacounted for expenses so I don't have a lot for the fish. :'( But they get all the neccessities and stuff. ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 i have had alot of tanks but my current ones after sizing down for apartment life are a 30 gal angel tank and a 20 gal long brackish tank with a crab, some mollies and some gobies (they take care of the thousands of fry for me)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
yah ryan all my tanks are small like 10 gal :'( my biggest is like a 20 gal o that was allot of birthdays 1... 2......3.....4.... hmmm i woul have alot more money right now if i would have not bought the tanks but them i would not have any joy and i probaly wouldn't be talking right now and i wouldn't be here and that would be a tragety J/K  :eek: ;D


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes what a tradgedy ::) ;D

Kristen that must it suk having to adapt to apartment life. I have all of mine in my little bedroom and that sux too. I only have 3 though. I still want that 150 gallon though. ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
hey ryan, are your windows in your room dripping with humidity when you wake up? (mine are) My rooms pretty small, four tanks and a double bed is all i've got in there (the 20g is on my tallboy, and my beds againts my WIR) Everyone loves it tho, i should start charging people who want to look at the pretty fishies, i'd make millions!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I was just thinking about how that went for you cloth! Sorry to hear it. :'( I can't send you $50 ;)

Kitten right now I just got rid of my tens and their contents. :( I just didn't have the time right now. I still have the tank part of one and nothing in it. I have it set up as a betta breeding tank. ;D Hopefully it'll work. No my windows are fine. In my room I have the 29 gallon and the tens underneath it in the cabinet. It's against the window and then there's the tv and VCR and playstaion on the left of the tank. And to the right is the piano and then my footboard of my bed is at the front of the tank but a good ways away, like 4 feet in between. My room's like a mini house. ;D It is right by my bathroon too so I could live here. :D It's about 80-90F here during the day and then drops at night into the 60's to 70's. Yes my parents and sister love to come and watch my tank. Maybe I'll start charging them. ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 yeah it did suck having to give my beloved oscar and jack dempsey tank away! it was my pride and joy! I didn't cry but I go check on my friend who has it once a week to make sure he isn't killing any of my fish.

Oct 22, 2002
I have the following in my house:
1 55 gallon:
       1 bluegill,1 crappie, and a black bullhead
1 45 gallon:
       3 severums, soon a lima and a gold-nugget
1 20 long
       5 Boesman Rainbows, 3 Austrilian rainbows, and a mystery cory. He came in with our ottos, have no clue what he is,ohh well
1 20 high
       empty, needs to get set up, and will get set up as soon as i get my lazt ass in gear.
1 10 gallon
      1 lima, he's going in the 45 soon with the severums.
And you ask how i can afford this, i'm ballin'  ;) no, not really I just work alot and work hard for my money( around 130 a week( bling bling , haha))my parents also have a 29 with a bunch of misc. stuff in it.


Atlantic Fish

I have a 35g tank which I am presently stocking with african cichilds. So far Ive picked up a Melanochromis "Auratus", Labidochromis "Perlmutt" and Labidochromis "Mbamba Yellow top"
Also a  25g with a black piranha, nothing else in that one of course!!
A 10g for small goldfish which I use for feeder fish for the piranha.
And two 25g tanks which have a 8"fat tailed leopard gecko and the other tank has a 16" Plated Lizard.
I really dont know how some of you guys manage with all those tanks!! It blows my mind, I hardly have enough time to take care of 3 fish tanks and 2 lizards, and have enough time to study aswell...Hats of to ya!!
John *celebratesmiley*