Jumped the gun...
Ok, first, an apology for the multiple three posts... i've been here for more than six months, and it's time i get my post up anyway *twirlysmi
I jumped the gun several days ago and purchased fish. I did this for a couple reasons... one, by all indications, my tank is stable... coraline algae, diatom phase over with, am, ni 0, nitrates under 5, ph 8.4, weekly water changes to keep things fresh, plus a thriving starfish. Also... you guys aren't going to believe the deal I got on these fish. *thumbsups
I intended only to get one fish. I decided on a true perc... guess how much I got him for? 14 dollars.
The store opened last month and they have amazing cut rate prices. They also have strange box fish I've never seen before, including a baby box fish that looks like a decapitated fish head floating around.
The store opened on my wedding day, and I've been going in an average of 3-4 times a week. They have this awesome 260 gallon show tank they're still setting up. Cool thing about this store is they're making it an LFS/coffee fish viewing type place to hang out. I'm really glad I got in on the ground floor with the owners, a really nice couple from Atlanta... wish I'd known them earlier so I could have invited them to the wedding and got some hardcore store credit for a wedding gift.
I bought the clown four days ago, I believe. I was worried because I really wanted to wait the full month, which would be this Sunday. But I couldn't pass up the sale on the clown.
For the first two days the clown would only eat brine shrimp, wouldn't touch the formula 1 pellets i dropped in. I crumbled the pellets, and he started going for them, but spitting them out... until finally he kept some in. I added mysis shrimp to his diet, and now he's eating pellets, mysis, and even algae on the tank glass.
Two days ago I go to another LFS for another astrea snail. I end up buying the snail and a firefish goby. I only wanted one fish for my tank to keep the bioload low, but i said what the hell. I have an open cover tank and these fish are known to jump, and that's why I decied against going with the firefish before and went with the clown. However, this particular firefish had been at the LFS in an open tank for 2 months, so I decided to risk it. As the risk was 15 dollars, i said hey, i can risk that.
Both fish look great and are eating vigorously. I target feed the star and the mithrax crab, and i have to fool the clown so it won't steal the baby shrimp/seawood and algae flake. The goby's mouth is small, like the clown, so the pellets have to be crumbled. their favorite food is mysis shrimp, though.
Here's a video I took during feeding time. Dialup beware. Hope you like the music, and a 75 pound bag of Instant Ocean to anyone who remembers what it's from! (just kidding, but you will have my eternal respect)
(Sorry, link removed--the video was eating up too much bandwidth. PM me if you're interested in seeing it... oh, and the tune is from Super Mario RPG, on Midas River...