haha I forgot about this thread.
I moved everyone out of that 20g and put em all in a 55g that's going to be heavily planted. I was actually going to do the peat moss in my filter to darken the water and for pH buffering. The driftwood I get does that to the water as well. The new tank:
55 gallon (48"x12"x17")
Filtration: Eheim 2213
Heater: 350 watt Won Bros. Titanium w/ digital thermostat
Substrate: 35 lbs Shultz Profile
Plants: all plastic for now. waiting on driftwood
Driftwood: self sinking from
www.aquarium-driftwood.com, waiting for them to harvest the perfect piece I requested =/
1 female Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
1 pair Apistogramma cacatuoides
1 bristlenose ancistrus
5 cardinal tetra
5 rummynose tetra
Future stock (when the plants are established to support the bioload):
1 discus
3 Corydoras adolfoi
3 Otocinclus vittatus
1 zebra ancistrus
That's the plan for now! I might change my mind though, the original plan was actually to keep my 20g as the South American tank, and for the 55 to be a Tanganyikan tank, but I decided I'd rather have the tangs in a 180g+ and try my hand at aquatic horticulture =)