The Lego Tank!

OMG, that is so cool, if i was rich, lol i would buy maybe like a 55 gallon and do all legos, like udner the sea legos and make it look like an underwater labroatory or somethign wqith legos lol, but i'm not rich, like million dollar rich, so i can't do that, LOL

That's very nice, i'm alwasy going to be into natural, but this is moving pretty high onto my list, that is a terrific tnak, i would be proud to own it!!


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
Visit site
good job on the lego tank, pretty neat :D

heres an idea.. make a tank with a lego setup, only find some green or brown lego's for that natural look. make drift wood and caves. see if java fern will grow on the legos :)