The ULTIMATE BREEDING TANK! [if even possible,lol]


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
LOL, i still cant get over the title. Okay down to business. Im starting with a 75gal tank. Im wanting it to be planted and it will have ABUNCH of cover. My question is on the stocking part of the tank. All except my bottom feeders im am going to try to breed. Okay heres what im kind of messing around with, probably 4 angels, 3 or 4 apisto or dwarf SA cichlid, abunch of guppies, somethin on the bottom, probably some loach if possible, now for the most confusing part. Is it possible to put a severum in here? I have heard that they are aggressive yet i have heard that they usually only pick on other severums? I would also like to state that once i have a pair in the apistos and angels, the ones remaining will most likely go back to the lfs. Im a little afraid of how the guppies willl get along. Will the angels harm them, and im guessing that a severum will probably be able to eat them? So that would be 3 species breeding in the same enviroment!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
The angels and severum would definitely eat baby guppies, and a severum would probably eat adult guppies as well. Angels can get along with guppies, you would want to get small angels at first and they hopefully won't see guppies as food if they grow up with them. A 75g is big enough that you might be able to have angels and dwarf cichlids both able to raise fry, although it might depend on how aggressive the angels are when spawning.

Hopefully someone else can tell you about a severum and dwarf cichlids, I really don't know (I'd tend to doubt it would work, but I'm not sure).


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I say your best bet is to go with the Angels and the Apistos and then a large school of Harlequin Rasboras. This way your breeding pairs wont be stressed by any preditors in the tank. You will also have a higher living rate of babies. I say H.Rasboras becuase they school very well and look neat in a planted tank but another type of Tetra would look fine. When you set up a tank for breeding egg layers you dont want to overcrowd the tank. It tends to make the pairs nervous and you want the other fish to have enough room to get away from the pair thats laying and still be able to swim.


Large Fish
Jul 7, 2007
LOL, i still cant get over the title. Okay down to business. Im starting with a 75gal tank. Im wanting it to be planted and it will have ABUNCH of cover. My question is on the stocking part of the tank. All except my bottom feeders im am going to try to breed. Okay heres what im kind of messing around with, probably 4 angels, 3 or 4 apisto or dwarf SA cichlid, abunch of guppies, somethin on the bottom, probably some loach if possible, now for the most confusing part. Is it possible to put a severum in here? I have heard that they are aggressive yet i have heard that they usually only pick on other severums? I would also like to state that once i have a pair in the apistos and angels, the ones remaining will most likely go back to the lfs. Im a little afraid of how the guppies willl get along. Will the angels harm them, and im guessing that a severum will probably be able to eat them? So that would be 3 species breeding in the same enviroment!
i think you answered your own question and yes there is such a thing as an ulta. breeding tank just not the way your headed and it takes a long time at least a year (if you work at it) to develope such a "thing"


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
I didnt think that they would, i just wanted to add something that was bigger and different then something that i have had before. Im still not sure what im going to do with the tank. For now im just going to have my 4 guppies have the whole tank to themselves. Any ideas of what i should do with it?