Baking soda will raise the KH and the pH. You would have to remove some of the tankwater and test and add and test some more.
What's happening here is the biological processes of the fish are acidifying the water (normal) and with your low KH (no buffer) the pH is dropping. This happens in enclosed systems like tanks, but with a higher KH it never becomes apparent.
I know Somonas uses Baking Soda for his Africans...he would know more about it. I don't use it, never have so I don't really know all that much about it.
As I said before, I would go with crushed coral or the other natural ways. Possibly you could raise the pH/KH VERY SLOWLY with the Baking soda, and the natural decor/filter materials would help keep the values where you want them?
What's happening here is the biological processes of the fish are acidifying the water (normal) and with your low KH (no buffer) the pH is dropping. This happens in enclosed systems like tanks, but with a higher KH it never becomes apparent.
I know Somonas uses Baking Soda for his Africans...he would know more about it. I don't use it, never have so I don't really know all that much about it.
As I said before, I would go with crushed coral or the other natural ways. Possibly you could raise the pH/KH VERY SLOWLY with the Baking soda, and the natural decor/filter materials would help keep the values where you want them?