I will be moving in the next month or so and so I plan to sell some of my fish/tanks/equipment if I can. As of now they have fish in them which I would be happy to give to a buyer...or I can donate them to my LFS. All of this stuff is in good shape, I just am very focused on SW and don't plan to keep FW any more so it makes no sense to move all the stuff if I am going to get rid of it anyway.
I am not going to put any prices on this stuff...reasonable offers will be considered.
The first two are pretty well complete ready to go decorated tanks
1) - 40 gallon acrylic breeder with furniture style cabinet stand and canopy
- Retrofited with 2x55w PCs (I can remove if you desire...I have the old flourescent fixture as well)
- Fluval 304
- Penguin Bio-Wheel 170
- A bunch of driftwood/rocks
- 7 Buenos Aires Tetras
- 1 Pearl Gourami
- 10ish Bronze and Peppered Corys
- 4 Otos
2) - 29 gallon glass with Island Aquatic 2x4 stand
- Standard flourescent strip light
- Black Onyx sand substrate
- Rock structures similar to Lake Tanganyika
- 2 Neolamprologus similis
- 2 Lamprologus pulcher
- Whisper 30
- Penguin Bio-Wheel Mini
- 2x Visitherm Deluxe heaters: 1x 100w, 1x50w
3) - 90g Tall with furniture style cabinet stand
- Fluval 404
- Air Pumps and bubble wands of some sort
- A lot of driftwood
- 48" flourescent strip light
4) I also have a lot of spare media/cleaning tools/etc that I am willing to donate to buyers so there you go. I really just have a ton of this stuff.
Pictures are available
I do not want to ship this stuff so if you want it you will have to pick it up...although I can arrange to deliver it to you as long as it isn't too far I suppose.
I am not going to put any prices on this stuff...reasonable offers will be considered.
The first two are pretty well complete ready to go decorated tanks
1) - 40 gallon acrylic breeder with furniture style cabinet stand and canopy
- Retrofited with 2x55w PCs (I can remove if you desire...I have the old flourescent fixture as well)
- Fluval 304
- Penguin Bio-Wheel 170
- A bunch of driftwood/rocks
- 7 Buenos Aires Tetras
- 1 Pearl Gourami
- 10ish Bronze and Peppered Corys
- 4 Otos
2) - 29 gallon glass with Island Aquatic 2x4 stand
- Standard flourescent strip light
- Black Onyx sand substrate
- Rock structures similar to Lake Tanganyika
- 2 Neolamprologus similis
- 2 Lamprologus pulcher
- Whisper 30
- Penguin Bio-Wheel Mini
- 2x Visitherm Deluxe heaters: 1x 100w, 1x50w
3) - 90g Tall with furniture style cabinet stand
- Fluval 404
- Air Pumps and bubble wands of some sort
- A lot of driftwood
- 48" flourescent strip light
4) I also have a lot of spare media/cleaning tools/etc that I am willing to donate to buyers so there you go. I really just have a ton of this stuff.
Pictures are available
I do not want to ship this stuff so if you want it you will have to pick it up...although I can arrange to deliver it to you as long as it isn't too far I suppose.