Tiger Barb de-Tailed.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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well, i know my yoyo used to nip my angels all the time(which is why theyre in the 55 now) but the damage is pretty bad. i just looked at him hes actually doing alright at the moment, not moving around too much, but he has to rest sometime, he ate when i dropped in some flake so thats a good sign.

i didnt mean to make it sound like i was rushing to give up on it Fruitbat, but earlier he was getting worse and worse. now he seems to have stabalized. go little buddy!:D


Superstar Fish
Aug 30, 2003
Palm Springs, Ca
Originally posted by froggyfox21
I would think that no matter what you do I would seperate him from the other fish.
Can we use this same principal for rude, MFT posters? Maybe a dose of reality would help them, you know throwing them into a dark tank all by themselves?

And ...just to quell any notions of granduer....the MFT rating on aqua-rank has been terrible lately...we used to be in the top 10, not the top 20!

Hang in there Loach...you'll know in a week if it's going to grow back...although if the fin rays are gone it doesn't sound good :(

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Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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ill be stammered! his tails growing back! he seemed to be swimming along well enough so i put him back in the 55 last week so he could be with the school. when i looked at him this morning half his tail has grown back!:D i didnt think it would, it was down to a nub.

woohoo!*does a cartwheel*:p

Jan 25, 2004
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Originally posted by 420Loach
ill be stammered! his tails growing back! he seemed to be swimming along well enough so i put him back in the 55 last week so he could be with the school. when i looked at him this morning half his tail has grown back!:D i didnt think it would, it was down to a nub.

woohoo!*does a cartwheel*:p
That's good to hear. When I first saw the post, I was gonna quick reply that it will grow back.

Also, when I watched this little movie: http://www.loaches.com/audio_video/tankbert1.avi , I was kind of concearned, because look at the clown loaches tails, why are they chopped off like that? I mean, that is NOT normal, unless they are some kind of another breed clown loach or something, and if it was done by man, i really don't agree with it.