Tiny snails


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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I think it's cool to have many different things in a tank if possible. Snails are interesting to watch, but yes, can get out of hand. If you don't mind many of them, cool. If you want to have snails but get tired of having so many, I'd suggest nerite snails. They don't get very big and come in different colours/patterns. As far as I have been able to research, they don't usually breed in aquariums (or maybe not at all). I know I love mine, which is why I keep suggesting them. ;)


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Bristlenose, cool fish, Is it yours? As far as snails are concerned, they are a pain in the ass to me, I have both pond snails and Ramshorns and cannot get rid of either, After I get all the cherry shrimp out of the ten gallon and get rid of all the snails I can see, Then im going to dump bleach in it to kill ALL of them suckers that are left, You will be tired of them someday, They get in the filter and you will hear them getting ground up and they die and the shells will be in the rocks, Its unsightly. Mine came in on plants and I havent been able to get rid of them yet and the Ramshorns ate up my java ferns, not cool, Ive given literally hundreds of Ramshorns away and they just keep multiplying and also got 2 clown loaches in a differant tank to combat what snails are in there, Hopefully they will get rid of them.
Bettas, Gouramis, and small cichlids love those things. Cories will find their eggs and gobble them up.

Angels will also eat them.

An over population of snails is a symptom of an unbalanced tank. Overfeeding is the pimary cause.

To get rid of them, place a blanched cucumber slice in a glass cup and leave over night , pull cup out in am, discard snails and repeat until the cup is empty over night.

Dec 20, 2009
No unfortunatly thats not mine, it might sound lame but I didn't want to put it up as a pic before it was huge lol. Besides the only cam I have is on my cell phone and it doesen't take very good pics.

To: Blue_ram
I really like that idea. If I ever decide to get rid of them also I just noticed today a small patch of eggs in one of my fake plants. I'm kinda excited to see what happens, and how many come out.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
get rid of the snails!

pond snails will eventually DESTROY your filter motors. Not only that but when they get squished they make more snails!!!

It's a huge problem, and your inviting trouble.

Just my 2 cents.