Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral


Small Fish
Nov 20, 2004
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I have one large yellow and several offspring leathers. they may seem highly resilient but will sometimes take a long time to acclimate. It is not just about your tank parameters. You have to consider what the coral may have gone through to get to you. One of the first ones I had stayed shut for about 3 weeks. It looked like hell. I gave up put it at the back of the tank because it didn't seem dead and forgot about it. It opened up abut 2 weeks later. I don't know why. Some of them also shed more frequently than others and stay closed longer when shedding. Often they will shed soon after coming into a new tank. I would leave the white spot alone. Let it settle. Give it lots of current. They need the current to get rid of shed material and waste. They also tend to harbour detritus because of their shape. The current helps get rid of this too. If it was used to higher light move it up in the tank so that it can take advantage of the light you have. You can move it down slowly later. It will be fine with lower light but changing the light all of a sudden will give it a nervous breakdown.

Sorry for the lengthy answer but that is how long the answer was.