On the topic of "playing God." The word "play" in and of itself implies a certain nievate and childish disregard for dangers or consequence. There's not enough room to write all the Webster's definitions of the word "play" in this post. Do you think God (if you so happen to believe in a Christian god) is meerly playing with us humans? Do you believe His creation of humankind was a dallying whim? Was He responsible when He set forth Adam upon this Earth? But if God's human creation was so noble, why the hell did he have to send Jeasus for? God screwed up while he was playing at creation folks, and that is the biggest irony of religion. Want to blame it on Adam and Eve, go ahead, Noah's flood was suppose to make up for that. God gives humans free will, and when they don't choose to worship Him and live by His rules, He resorts to genocide. Hmmm...Aren't their a few dicators alive today who have just that train of thought. And yet, God's actions are okay, and the dictator's actions are not.....?
And yet, seeing as how I have a completely different view of God than most people here, believing as I do in a more internal God than external one, to "play at being God" is pretty insulting. "Play" implies a release from responsibilities, a regression into the infantile. Responsiblities, mind you, that I believe we have to each other as well as to all life. You can't "play" at being God. You either accept the responsiblities of being God, all the weaknesses that being God entails as well as its strengths, or you crawl backwards into the muck that spawned you. Being God is taking a personal responsiblity for how you affect and effect this world for your time here.
I am not God in the Christian sense, you need to think outside of religion in order to understand what I talk about, and the shattering of that illusion can be pretty painful to take. Instead of externalizing God, you must internalize God. A very difficult transition being how society is very entrenched in dogma. Being God is also the ablity to create morallity, to judge morallity, and to internallize being a moral individual. But what is morallity? What somebody else has convinced you to believe is the difference between right and wrong. That's all it is. If you own your own morallity, you are your own God, and you are your own religion.
Yes, time will indeed take its course. My niece will most likely die before I do. If she makes it into her twenties it will be a miracle. But must her current life be in such misery? It is totally acceptable to euthanize an animal that would be suffering as she is, but it is not so acceptable to ease her suffering? Transgentic research may not help her, but it could prevent other children from living in the pain that she must. Physical pain, emotional pain, the difficulty of living in a world of disabled thinking. I wouldn't want to extend my life. Living forever would be quite boring IMO. She will have all the love and support our family can give her for as long as she lives and be given the best quality of care possible, but the tragedy is, her life will be no more idealistic than any of our own.
The reason the human life has been extended is because of advanced medical care. Without it, well, you and I would be living in third-word countries. Live without health-insurance, live without vaccines, live without band-aids.
The contradiction is, if given a choice, you would not choose everything you have an opinion about Hawkeye. People do live exactly as you describe, they just don't do so on your doorstep. If you were told, this instant, that you were infected with cancer, would you choose chemo or would you allow the cancer to kill you because it is so obvious that your time on this planet is intended to last only the duration of your disease? My brother has cancer, and he has stated more than once that he would not wish chemo treatments on anybody, yet he has no desire to die right now. He's only 24 years old. His cancer has been in remission for only two months. It may yet still resurface, but hopefully, not today. Today he goes and registers for college this fall. Perhaps he should not have ever recieved chemo, seeing as how the world would be much better off with one less person on it.
Gene Rodenberry broke the Prime Directive so many times as to make the damn concept laughable. Each time was rationalized because, one way or another, breaking the Prime Directive benefitted humankind in some way. If the Prime Directive held any water at all, humans had no business leaving the planet Earth in the first place. A more convincing concept he invented was IDIC, Infinate Diversity in Infinate Conbination. The essesence of the dynamic equlibrium that life is in, the constant state of flux that implies at any moment, on even the most slimmest of probability, anything that can happen, might indeed actually happen.
If all animals and humans were created equal, than indeed, the same morallity must be given to both. Therefore it should be no more acceptable to euthanize a suffering animal than it is to euthanize a suffering human.....or, perhaps it should be just as acceptable to euthanize a suffering human as it is to euthanize a suffering animal. Two sides, my friend, of the same coin. That is, if you believe all live was created equal.