tubbs blues!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
just picked up a nice little 10 polyp frag of sum tubbs! ill post a pic in a little while, still acclimating right now ;)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
oh yea i think i also found my new tank :D its a 300g 96X30X25 for $900 (no stand though) now i just gotta find sumone with a truck and a few other people to help me go get it lol.... it be at least a few months till its setup since ill need more liverock,bigger skimmer,build a stand/canopy, ect... + i wanna take my time with this one and do everything right, but at least ill have the tank ;)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea ive want some tubbs fer a while now but at 5-7$ per polyp it was kinda hard on the pocket if u kno what i mean, i talked the guy down to 5$ per polyp and had him make me a 4 polyp frag ... when i went to pick it up he actually made me a 10 polyp frag plus threw me a plate coral for free since one of his angels was picking on it :p this was the same guy that sold me my RBTA for $20, he also has some bam bam orange zoos that i want


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
I really wish I had a place like this around here... I'm really gonna have to do some reasearch once I get my lights and everything set up.
most of my stuff comes from local reefers i meet through my local reef club.... lucky for me my reefclub is i belive the largest in the country (FMAS)
how far are u from longisland? if its not too u can check here im sure youll find a deal or 2 ;)

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