uh-oh...power outage! HELP!!!


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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I would have to agree with yahoo as far as your stocking scheme being somewhat incompatible. Balas really require very large aquaria and need to be in a school. The gouramis may or may not get along with both the betta and the other gouramis. I would strongly suggest lots of plants or other methods of breaking up sight lines if you choose to go this route. The rosy barbs would actually go well with the crays and are very pretty fish.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Yeah, we know how big the balas get, but my husband really really wants one. So I told him we can only keep it till it gets to 6" then we have to find it a new home. But the LFS said they were okay by themselves, and I've seen them in friend's tanks by themselves (not in a school).

The research I've done on dwarf gouramis says they need to be in a school of at least 6 with a 2 females for every male. And they are always in schools in the stores, I don't see why they wouldn't get along in the tank. Like I said, I think the main problem will be them will be the beta.

The crayfish seem to be doing okay so far, they haven't really had any problems...but I don't know how to tell since I've never really had one. The temp is 75-76 and the LFS said they would be fine. Once again, though, I've never had a crayfish and I can't really find much info on them.

We have some plants and caves for shy fish, but since I've just started the tank up I didn't have the $ to add as much as I wanted. I'm going to get more to fill in space in the back and along the sides...I'm pretty sure the gouramis are shy, and I already KNOW the crayfish are. If you go to the Rate My Tank forum and go to my post there are pics of our tank...let me know what you think.


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Well that's not good. But I guess that's what all you guys are for, to help me when I screw up. So what do I need to do? The crayfish seem like they're doing fine. How do I know if they aren't? And are the Balas that I always see by themselves in tanks sad and lonely, if they need to be in schools?

Help me guys, this is my first tank!


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Soooo...I think I may have to get rid of the crayfish (my hubby is not gonna be happy). When I got up this morning the beta's fins were all torn like somebody had bullied him around, and since the crayfish and the rosy barbs are the only ones in there, I'm assuming it's the crays.

Anyway, once we start adding more fish, I'm sure it's gonna get even more tempting for those crays to poke at innocent bystanders, so the poor little guys may have to go. :( So sad, they're really cool.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
If you plan on putting gouramis in there I would get rid of the betta, or get another tank for him instead of getting rid of the crayfish.

just my 2 :)


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
I got 3 gouramis this morning. I have the day off, so I'm gonna just hang out and keep an eye on them with the beta. If I see any rough housing, I'm moving the beta to it's own tank.
Here are my gouramis: