in the great words of the mythical dr. ian malcom, "they were so busy trying to figure out if they could, they didnt stop to think if they should."
Hell, i'd love to be the beta saviour of the world, but thats not possible. Personaly, i think betas should be kept wild simply because of the lack of education about these fish, generaly speaking.
I've been in charge of 150 gallon community tanks at the lfs i worked at years ago. We kept a few male betas in there together, they would rarely meet, whenever they did, there was nothing but a little chase which is what normaly happens in the wild for these fish in non-breeding seasons. So keeping males in small confines even remotely seeing each other causes them great stress. You have to remember that all fish work inheritly with the fight or flight responce. When a fish can do neither, all kinds of bad things can happen.
We also must look at the pet shop betas body design. The wild beta is faster and stronger than splendens. The long fins make them weak warriors. To put this into perspective, everyone gain about 150 pounds and go run down the block. See how you feel. Thus these petshop betas are under mega stress by simply how they are kept which i outlined above, but they arent able to cope with that stress as well considering their physical atributes of the overly long fins. What we have is a combination of death to be honest.
If you must keep betas, be responcible. </rant>
p.s. i know its *betta*