updated pics of the 55g

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
long live Tropical's tank!
its nice to see its doing ok :)
I agree that white + red one is deffo a platy. no idea on the white ones they look very young...
hey whats going on newman? hows your tank going? any idea on what kind of platy? yeah im thinking the others are too small to identify yet. the sales associate said the yellow ones were like sunburst platy's maybe im wrong. idk much about platy's. im going to be doing some more research and reading on them. i know they can have tons of fry. i think tho my shark, loaches, and plecos will have that under control tho. even my swordtails will probably eat them.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
new pics after rearranging

i took the anacharis and arched some of the plants so that hopefully here soon there will be new plants shooting out of the nodes on the arch.

i also tied up and anchored 2 anacharis plants and put them out front by the skull. if they grow like i think they will when they start off, the roots will shoot into the substrate and a large bunch will grow like a thick bush. i decided to grow the anacharis in 3 different positions to experiment growth patterns and how they react to how i put them


Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
i detached a lot of the moss from the castle and placed it in the back also i tied it to the bubbler tube. im hoping it will crawl up the tube and consume the skull and piece of driftwood right there.

the java fern is starting to grow in multiple spots

i also bunched the microsword up in that 1 area. if i do a carpet in the center im going to do dwarf hairgrass. but right now i want all those plants to start growing in so no new plant additions for awhile


Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
well i just added 15 cherry shrimp. it seems as only 1 ghost shrimp got killed and now everyone leaves them alone, so i think i would be fine with them. at first when i introduced there was a little chasing done by the platies but now they have left them alone and the shrimp are very good red coloration. not much stress at all. there is plenty of hair algae for them to eat in my tank.

also new update, i ripped the castle out and adjust some plants and the skull. its A LOT more open and natural looking. i like it. i will try and get new pics up within hours.

Last edited:
Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
first couple pics are after i moved out the castle, the rest are after i redecorated

in the first pic in the top right corner you can see one of the cherry shrimp
