No. YOu're going from 30 to 55. Assume you'll end up transferring 20 gallons of water and dumping the rest. Mix up 15 gallons of water i nthe new tank, or a rubbermaid or whatever, and try to leave it for 2 or 3 days. Then get to work.
Get yourself a 5 gallon bucket or two. Put water in these, put in livestock. Put these in corner of room, put heater in if possible, powerhead with flow turned down. Cover with towel to minimise stress. Also put liverock in these if you can.
Clean out substrate by vigorous hoovering. This is the tricky bit , especially if you have a dsb. Frankly a lot of people dump a lot of substrate at this point.
Now put in about 20 gallons of your old water via buckets or whatever. Get to temp, put in hardware. Start it up. Your tank will probably look very shallow. Your SG should, if you've done it properly, be close to the old.
So basically drip acclimate in the livestock and live rock. Finished. Just add extra water over the next few days to get up to level. Your fish will have enjoyed a large water change, and you are finished. It really isn't that difficult if you plan, and are careful