Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
New York
My local Wal*Mart is a hell-hole. It looks like Hurricane Katrina hit there everyday of the year. Merchandise is thrown about all over the floors, off the shelves and goods are usually broken. The fish department is atrocious. There are always stacks of dead fish in their sink. Their tanks are kept at strange temperatures like 68 F and they are stocked with plenty of DEAD fish. Not to mention they have random things floating in the tanks such as dog toys and just about any random thing you can find in the store. The day I buy a fish from that Wal*Mart is the day that Wal*Mart starts to lobotomize the general public.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
jeremy said:
Yeah, most department managers are willing to listen to an equal department manager before a customer about their departments. Even though I only have one day left in my pet department(woo hoo got promoted to overnight support manager) I am willing to do the same as buickgirl.
My family has had a long-time commitment to never buy fish from Wal*Mart because the one near my house doesn't do a good job in caring for their fish.

I went there just this Tuesday and there was one tank packed with dwarf gouramis and other fish and they all had ich linning their fins:eek: . There was no sign to say they were being watched (to indicate treament like Petsmart of Petco does) and then tank that was connected to it had 2 or 3 dead fish with six still alive in the tank picking at the dead. There also wasn't a Wal*Mart employee around to let know of this terrible thing and I don't want to got tell a cashier because they tend to forget (I know because I am a cashier at a grocery store and I do forget). Usually when I go to this Wal*Mart or any other near me I see the same thing ich in one or two tanks and 2-4 dead fish in every tank that has fish:( . When I went to Petsmart a few days back to get a replacement for a guppy that had died with in its 14 day policy the lady in the fish department told me that she didn't want to give me any of the other guppies (of the same patch as my dead one) because she had found 6 six dead that morning. I was glad to know she was watching those fish.

This Wal*Mart is in Riverdale Utah if you want to know, Jeremy. To anyone else I would suggest that if you can you buy your fish from Petsmart, unless you know the other LFS do well in taking care of their fish. Petsmart is my place for good quality fish that have had quality care, I never see any of the problems at the Petsmart by me that I do at the Wal*Mart by me.


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
I am sorry to hear that the walmarts near you are crappy. Like Buickgirl said, if you can get the store numbers and store managers, I am more than willing to contact them and tell them of the complaints. Also, the next time you go there, ask for a "letter to the president" and that might help too. They normally have them at the service desks.

Sep 10, 2004
Visit site
I have had good luck with Wal Mart fish. I buy fish from them, Petco, Petsmart and two LFS. I have had the most fish die from the Petco store. I really like the LFS I visit now because they have more of a variety than Wal Mart, Petco or Petsmart. The only complaint I have about our Wal Mart fish department is no one is ever there to get me the fish I want to buy. I am usually the one that bags the fish. Good luck with your fish buying. :)

Sep 11, 2005
When it comes to these big chain stores like Wal-Mart, and even Petco and Petsmart, it all depends on the store. If you were to see the condition of the tanks at Petco nearest to me, you'd cry. But the one a few miles down the road is pretty clean. Then I have some fish only, privately owned shops whose tanks are pretty gross and obviously have high nitrates due the overabundance of algae.

There are no hard and fast rules I guess; just make sure where you buy from, the fishies all look happy and the water is clean.

Aug 20, 2003
Visit site
I won't step foot in Wal-Mart. I've never been inside a Wal-Mart and I will never go. I don't care if they are giving stuff away.

I have two (actually 3) fish stores that I go to. I like my Petco in Union Square Manhattan, because there is one employee, Wayne, who is just great. He really knows his stuff. You gotta talk specifically to Wayne though because their other employees told me to put two kissing gouramis and an angel fish in a 10G starter tank. Their tanks are *decent* if you catch them at the right time. They go through a lot of stock quick too, so you never see anything in their tanks with a hunched back, or just incredibly big and old.

I got to Marine Tropical in Park Slope Brooklyn...which is pretty good. They don't sell much supply or plants for fish, but the fish selection is good. I got my red eyed tetras that I current have there, and they were in great shape. Not a lot of ich or dead fish floating around in their tanks. I got a dwarf gourami there too, great fins, beautiful color, but the tetras ate him one weekend.

The last place I'll mention is in Clifton, NJ. Its a fish nirvana. Absolutely Fish its called. The tanks are immaculate, the stock is even better and the people there are just great.

I know this is a Wal-Mart fish thread, but I'd figure I'd throw in my 2 cents about fish stock.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
scary reading dudes...
i'm in ireland...never seen a wal*mart...
i never WANT to see one...

i have 3 lfs in a ten mile radius...
one is a little rough round the edges...but not horrible...
one is new and really clean but expensive and limited for choice...
one is a sixty year old firm...imports their stock directly from overseas...

i of course shop in the third option...'grosvenor tropicals'...
it sounds like heaven compared to that wal*mart place...

i'm really saddened that hyper-markets can get away with vile practices :(

Nov 29, 2005
my experience with the wal-mart down here is very horrible. when i first moved here 8 years ago they had very nice fish and took great care of them.
now a days they dont do anything for them. they dont dispose of the dead, change the water, clean the tank, treat for the diseases or anything to help out the newly arrived fish. most die off within their tanks in abot 2 or 3 days down here. the wal-mart brand of fish might be cheap, BUT THEY ARE NOYT WORTH THE RISK. they could die or give off a deadly disease.

Dec 1, 2005
Hi my name is Jeremey, I am a Assistant Manager over the Consumable Depts in Wall*Mart. I amwanting to see if I can get help with my fish section of my Dept. Managers area. Right now are tanks are clean and the water flows ood but every Monday when we get our delivery we have many fish that die the next day. My Dept Manager know how to run the tanks but I am not sure if theres something we are missing?m I been getting fish with problems from the supplier... are any of you Buckgirl or Jeremy having these issues... like "Hole in the Head" disease where one of the kinds of sharks we carry swin in loops untill they die.. I have a case of ICH on onw of our Blood Parot Cichlids. Also I have seen Big mollies be mean... I think its because I had a messed up mollie in the tank it would swin from one end of the tank and run into the glass then turn around and do the same thing. So the Other Mollies would just keep pecking at it... this was Yesturday... I bet that mollie is dead by now... I get snails but I have never seen one come out of it shell and I I was told if they are upside down with part of them coming out they are dead? any help would be greatly apprecitive.


Small Fish
Nov 29, 2005
awweee...that sucks...happened to me too

I had that happened to me when I first started to buy fish, i bought them at wal-mart. I started with goldfish and tiger barb. My tiger barb were ok but they slowly died too. So went to the pet store and bought angel fishes. My advice is when buying wal-mart fishes, look at them cafefully and ask questions. I personally think it depends on the person who was assigned to take care of the fishes. You can tell if they don't care much about the fishes, i suggest don't buy the fish from there than. If they answer your question like they care, they probably took care of the fish pretty good and that's a sign that the fishes are good. Most fish from wal-mart are usually not good though if you really look at all the tanks and such. Some may not look good but later they will, so don't rush to buy them at wal-mart, pet shops have a higher percentage of healthy fish because they really care and take care of the fishes there.

Oct 29, 2005
JeremeyN Well how long has your store been open? we had that same problem for about two weeks or so when the store first opened. Some of it was the tanks needed to mature the other is just like everyone else has said sucky sapliers. I dont even have a dept manager right now. He quit because of all the hassle. Now i am the only one because no one wants the job. And aperently i dont know enough yet. That and i dont know about the rest of you but i have the paper/chemical iles to take care of to. They are few and far between but us few who actualy care about the fish need to change the names of wal marts. All the people on this thread dont want there wal marts to change otherwise thed give there store numbers. This way i guess they'll still have something to complain about and give ther life meaning lol


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
Well JeremeyN, the problem is probably the supplier. I had the same problem when I was in pets quite a lot with my neon tetras, and for a while, the oscars. There really is nothing you can do about the suppliers crappy fish, but, the only thing you can do is not order those fish anymore. When I went to overnight support I told the guy who took over pets not to order the neon tetras. He went ahead and did. I told him he would regret it. They all died in a few days. JeremeyN who is your supplier?


New Fish
Dec 11, 2005
I bought a goldfish at walmart before and it had a big ''bump'' on it.I sat and sat looking at that spot.The next morning I noticed the "bump" moved higher I saw it was moving higher I moved the poor fishy to another fish tank in
2 hours it died.I never found out what it was but after the fish died the ''bump'' was swimming around the tank.It probably was some kind of worm or something like that.


New Fish
Dec 11, 2005
I also bought several fish (goldfish) at walmart one of the goldfish had a ''bump'' on its side. I just sat and sat there just watching the ''bump''.
The next morning I looked into the tank and I saw the ''bump'' moved. In 2 hours the poor fishy was dead. The next day I decided I was going to go look at walmarts goldfish and most of the fish had the ''bumps''.

Oct 29, 2005
Not only that when I buy a fish (don't know about the rest of you) I alway check my fish before i buy them. I dont just say gimmie that one. If your buying fish with weird bumps on them you Ither dont know much or dont care much.