May 7, 2005
san diego, california
I went to walmart today to get some stuff and I walked by the bettas. Therre was a wonderfully colored betta with all of his fins torn off and he was all beat up. I told the people at the front desk and she said that they would just let him die and call the breeder they get them from and get another one in place of it and sell it for full price. I got so mad i was about to scream at the lady. I told her i would like to buy him and she said she would only give me a 10% discount. I told her i would give her two dollars for him and she finnaly accepted. He is really torn up bad but he is a really firey little guy. Iv decided to name him Kipper and will rehabilitate him and put him in my 40 gallon tall. God i hope he does ok!

Sorry just felt like ranting.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
You are a more compassionate fishkeeper than I. I would never buy a sick fish from WalMart. I wish you all the luck.

PS: Can we interest you in a pacu?...


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
That is terrible. Especially since I run the pet department at a walmart. I hope Kipper does great. I can't belive she actually said that. Although there realy isnt a way to incubate them at walmart, but still, you dont say that to a customer. As a pet employee at wal mart I appologize to you for that.

Aug 20, 2005
Well.. after reading that Jeremy works at walmart.. i kind of feel bad for thinkign this.. but i'm going to say it anyway..

I am an UNOfficial Walmart Fish Keeper... everyworknight after work (about 1am) i go to Walmart, make sure the bettas aren't stacked ontop of eachother (which they always ARE)... fight and fuss with the one stockmen to take out dead fish.. which i have him pretty much trained to do so on command now... and then about every month i come in and complain about how poorly the fish are kept, the fact that they leave the water running in the sink day and night, and so on (wasteful). It doesn't do anything, but it makes me feel better.. and i've never been kicked out yet, so i will continue :).

I always get a reason like "fish are going to die no matter what, they are fish", and someone told me once somethign about if one fish was sick and died now they all have it and there is nothing they can do. Okay that's true they aren't vets.. but why sell fish if you are hoping for it to die? dont get me wrong NOT all walmarts have had bad fish areas.. there's another one on southside of my town that i love..the manager over there is a pet lover and i've never *cross my fingers* seen a dead fish in the tank there...

So i'm an unofficial Walmart worker :)

kindaconfused, i'm so glad you did that. I haven't really been keeping fish long (at all) but that's the sort of thing i'd do... it was the same with my little hamster (total change of topic) the man got him out of the cage, to show how tame they were, and he dropped one! This is a tall 17yr old! And he scrambled around, picked up the hamster and put it back in the cage like it had never happened! :eek: i was just staring! I ended up picking the one that had been dropped and another one of his little brothers, who was the most active!


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Gosh, that's terrible (about the hampster and betta) I can't belive anyone would treat an animal so cruely! Sad to say, but somthing like that happened at my LFS too. There was this drop-dead gorgous male betta in a small breeders trap with a ton of glow-light tetras. His fins were ripped to pieces and he was really battered. I told the guy who owned the place about him and guess what he said. "He was like that when we bought him.", can you belive it !! *ALL* But I told the guy who ran the cash register and he got the betta out so I think he's okay.
Oh, and I'm glad Kippers O.K.


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
Here is what frustrates me about the Wal Marts where I live.

They are selling Green Spotted Puffers as fresh water fish.

They are also saying that you can keep 1 in a 10 gal....and they have 8-10 crammed in a 10 gal.

They are also saying that the ones they are selling are babies...when they are at least 3 or so inches long....

The poor things can't move....they are all nipped up from being crammed in a tiny death-box, and they are probably suffering horribly in fresh water.

They have them in a community tank...with some other fish...i can't remember what though.

If I had more tank space, I would have gotten them, but my 3 puffers keep me busy enough.

Oh--and their pet dept. people argued with me for about 30 minutes saying that they can live strictly in fresh water......with other types of fish...and thrive.

::banging head::



Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
yeah...it's frustrating. I already bought my puffers from another fish store before i saw the mislabled ones at walmart..... i wish i had the tank space for them, i feel bad....

all of the puffs at the other walmart have died already. :(


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
Kindaconfused-That is awsome to hear that the betta is doing better, keep us updated
PerfectAngel-Don't worry, I am kinda used to that from people.And I dont take any offense to that anyway cause I know that everyone would speek differently about mine. And for the record, I already do that with the betta cups there. I keep my tanks clean. Except over the weekend when my two ASSociates dont know how to clean them up and I have to yell at them every darn week.

May 7, 2005
san diego, california
He is doing really good now. i am setting up a 10 gallon planted tank just for him and a few little fish for him to chase around. Hopefully he will enjoy it! His fins are still kinda taterd but i can see alot of clear fin growth around it. i am feeding him omega flacks with the first 10 ingredients are stuff like whole salmom, Halibut and stuff like that. he is really inproving and seems to be doing all right.