Wanted: Everyone's Opinion


Small Fish
Oct 11, 2005
Glen Rock Pa.
Wow !!! Sounds like the Dentist`s tank ( Finding nemo ).Because we like the way a fish looks it doen`t give us the right to keep it in the wrong size tank with others it might not be compatible with. My OPINION is wait,cycle the new tank and study up on the fish you want. Know their requirements and what other fish they`re compatible with. It`ll be more rewarding if you just slow down and search all profiles you can find. Why waste money on critters taht might kill each other off.:confused:


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
(Is anyone even reading what I write?!?!) I have been doing research! The fish that I have are compatible and are both found in the same climate. And they are not going to kill each other. I am not just trying to throw fish together. I liked these fish and I looked in a book (at the store) before I bought them. I knew that they would need a bigger tank and that is what I am trying to do (if I could get any help). My question is how hard is it going to be to make a sump work with this tank? Is it worth buying? Big tanks are not hard to find up here so just let me know. Thanks.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
OK. With space and $ being the big factors, this is what I am going to have to do:
I am going to look around more for a 75G that is already drilled for a sump. Unfortunatly I am going to have to sell one of my Lionfish. (I have one that will eat out of my hand and that is the one I am going to keep.) What would be a good asking price for this fish? I paid $50. I was thinking $35 or $40. ??? One more question...What sumps do you guys reccomend? Should I make one?? If so could someone help me, direct me to a good site, or tell me what you did that works?? Thanks.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Wow, nerves of steel. It's not likely to happen BUT check out the treatment for if/whenyou get stuck.
It sounds like you hav a better plan. I would try to make a sump out of a cheapo second hand tank, and the biggest that will fit in your stand. 12t bit will be for the skimmer, silicone in a bit of glass, then main cmpartment (bioballs, algae, sand bed whatever, then 3rd bit is for return pump. Gluing the glass is pretty easy as it's not weightbearing

What a 'used' lion is worth is a tough q - basically it's what you can get. I doubt you will get that much - I would say 25 tops, you might find it easier to return it for store credit.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Yeah it is really awesome!!! My Lion and my Eel both eat right out of my hand!!! Neither is aggressive about it either. They are great. My other Lion will eat out of my hand too but it takes some coaxing!!!

Thanks for the help Wayne.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
That's too true. The fact you're doing it with the lions when they're small, and doing it regularly means they shouldn't get too spooked and stick you, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it.

The thing you need to remember about sumps is they're inherently not tricky. Things to remember.
1. Drilled holes are good, overflow boxes less so.

2. If the power stops then effectively the return pipe and pump acts as a slow syphon, so in the upper tank you should drill at least one antisyphon hole. If the water stops , air will get in one of these, and break the syphon. I put in one abov, one below the water line. Theoretically the one above should stop the flow instantly, but if you don't watch it salt will build up and block it, this won't happen tothe one below.

But remember - sumps are NOT tricky.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Yes definitly get a pre-drilled tank and sump.

Your tank is definetly a preditor tank so far and if your only going to have a 75gl I would not add much more to it other than the lion and eel. You are going to need to add alot more LR to the tank to make it a happy home for those, so I would save the $$$ to spend on that befor you think about adding in any other fish.

I had a lion in my old 40gl when I was planning on getting a bigger tank (plan didn't go as planned...I now have a 10gl nano!) and they grow fast, within only a few month he was already getting close to being to big to comfortably be in the 40gl. I also hand fed him brine shrimp (it was so cool) he would come right up to the top of the water and gulp it from my fingers. He eventually ended up back at the LSF.

I am glad to hear that you haven't gone to far with this and are planning and researching now befor buying. Listen to what the people have to say here (doesn't mean you have to follow everything they say) as many of them know what they are talking about and are only trying to help you avoid mistakes/disasters waiting to happen that we have all made at some points in our time.
"it is better to learn from the mistakes of others, rather than making them yourself"

So best of luck and keep us posted and pictures are always nice!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I sold one of my lions yesterday. I got $40 for him. I didnt end up selling the one that I wanted cause he got really stressed during my water change yesterday. ??? I really dont know why I have done one with him before ???. Something had to of spooked him I geuss. I woke up this morning and he was dead. :( I dont know what happened. So anywayz, it just the eel right now.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What had he ever eaten, and how often? Very little fish are always fragile, and if you don't feed them like crazy this prone to happen.

You should get yourself a nice sturdy Centropyge like a tibbicen or eiblii - little(ish) with lots of character