Water Change Question


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I think I am in need of a large water change and as I only have two 32g brute containers, one to make new water in and one to drain old water out of the tank into, about 30g is all I can do at one time. I have come up with a plan B, lol. I was thinking about making the 30g new water in one container and buying four, 5 gallon containers of this water from the LFS. I guess what this water is, is actual sea water, not sure of the brand. Anyway, I could then drain 20g out of the tank into my container, go dump that, then drain another 30g and then add back into the tank the 30g that I made and then the 20g of the store bought saltwater for a 50g water change. Is this store bought water any good? My nitrates are holding steady at 20, I did a calicum test last night and if I did the test right, my calcium is at 495. I also bought another test kit last night, its a Salifert KH/Alk Profi test kit. This test has me alittle confused on how to read it. You will most likely have had to use this test to help me. Anyway I went thru the test doing what it says to do up to the point where the water turned to a blueish green, then added the next soultion a drop at a time til the water turned a redish color. At this point the way I see it, the test is over and you take a reading off your syringe and compair it agaainst the chart for your reading. Now is where I get confussed, lol. My syringe says at this point 0.5 when I look at the chart to find 0.5 there isn't a 0.5 the chart starts at 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 and so on. My syringe says 0.5 and I am sure that isn't the same as say the charts 0.04 or 0.05, but lets say it is that would mean my KH is at 15.2 and my Alk is at 5.56. Am I reading this test right and if so, what do these numbers tell you?


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I have my answer on my new test kit results. My dKH is at 8 and my Alk is at 2.86. and my calcium is at 495 and my nitrates are at 20. Could someone tell me what the dKH is, and what do these numbers tell you about my tank?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Yes, there is away I could do that, how big a water change do you think I should make, 60 gallons is the max I could make?

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Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Just an observation here, with all these water changes I have been doing, my zoas and polys have never looked any better. They haven't really started putting out many babies yet but they really look good and I am sure they are getting ready to start. My purple death polyps is the only frag that is putting out any babies really and they are pumping them out. There are about I would say 20 to 30 polyps on the frag and they are fixing to grow off the frag they are on.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
just goes to prove that good husbandry (read waterchanges) make for stable water conditions which in turn improves your livestock. They appreciate stable low nitrate water. I bet the water is nice and clear also?


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The water is alot clearer. I want to do another large water change to try and get my nitrates down below 20, I want to do a 50 gallon water change and I am making the water now. Any problem with a 50g change?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
whats your total water volume including sump? i wouldnt do more than 50% max and btw 20 ppm nitrates isnt really cause for a 50% WC IMO but than again if you cant get them down any other way i say go for it!


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I really don't know how much water is in the tank. Its a 125gallon tank with say,225# live rock and I would say 30 to 35g in the sump, that is just a guess on the sump. I keep doing 27g water changes and can't get below 20 on my nitrates, I would like to get them down to at least 10.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Found out what kind of a skimmer I have, Coralife Super Skimmer 225, seems like a good one, makes alot of bubbles. I did the 50g water change this afternoon after work. Used 32g of my water and three,, 4 1/2g of this http://www.nutriseawater.com/ so I will give it a few days and see what my numbers are.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, maybe thats part of my problem not being able to get my nitrates below 20. This water change should have got them lower, we will see what the number is and then see if I can keep it there, if not we will look at a new skimmer. Can you buy to big of a skimmer for your tank? Where I am going with this is: I don't want to buy a new skimmer for my 125g when I am wanting to buy a 250g tank and then get stuck with a 125g skimmer. If I buy a skimmer I want it to be one that I can use in a 250g tank, and that I can use in the 125g till the new tank is bought. I did the water change about 3 hours ago and just checked the Nitrate level, maybe a tad below 20. Now, that check was done with my quick strips not my good nitrate test kit. 20 or a tad above was where I was at a few days ago when I tested the water.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
theres no such thing as too big of a skimmer! :D with that said a skimmer that will support a 250g is guna cost a pretty penny... btw as a rule of thumb if it has the word coralife its usually junk.... ive heard nothing but good about the octopus extreme skimmers, i just picked up a used msx160 which is the same exact as the octopus extreme160 and i got it for $180... if you dont mind buying used i think thats the way to go! when your ready search around craigslist, reefcentral, ebay


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I agree....you can't have a skimmer too big. So if you are going to get a new skimmer get the one you really want for your 250g. That way it will be more than enough for the 125g.

As a skimmer is such an important part of your system check around for experience using specific skimmers.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I talked to the man at the LFS today, he told me to pretty much stop, well not stop, but to feed my frozen (sp) mysis shrimp only every third or fourth day and feed the spectrum pellets as my main fish food. He told me I could feed the mysis shrimp but only if I thawed them out then rinse them off in some RO water. He says they release alot of nitrates in the water. He said 20 is not real bad on my nitrates and that I could grow SPS corals with that number. I told him,That my tank has made this a personal thing between me and my tank and I will get my number down to 10. Oh, I bought a coral and as I usely do, I forgot what it is called. I need to start carring a pen and paper around with me. I will try and get a pic posted tommrow. I do know it is a ORA coral and sort of looks like a birds nest, but it isn't. I had a choice between a birds nest and the one I bought. LFS said the birds nest is a harty coral and that I most likely couldn't kill it. I told him I wanted something that would die if my water wasn't right, I want to know if I can keep SPS corals alive.

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