Water line break- urgent help ASAP!!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The Petsmart closest to me has a two week guarantee. They have never questioned me or ask for a water sample when I have taken a fish back. They either give me a credit or another fish of my choice. They will not take live fish in trade from a customer. (Customer raised fish) I do not know about Petco. I happened to be in the nearest Petco today and they certainly don't seem knowledgeable at all and they definitely don't have adequate employees. I know they aren't all like that because I was in a new store in a little town in Oregon in Nov. and they had more aquarium supplies than I have seen in either of the stores here.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Well, this weekend I'm going to go to petsmart and pick out a male betta. Definitely a dragon, if not a dragon plakat. I'm putting him with my kuhlis and hoping that everything goes well. I know that he might pick on my zebras and neons, but will he go after my kuhlis?? They do tend to swim around a lot and are very active during the day.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
One thing to be aware of is that sometimes after a problem with possible pathogens in the water supply, the water company will superchlorinate or use chloramines to remove pathogens from the system. They usually announce this. If you hear of the water company doing this, it's better to wait a few days to do a water change. As others said, some mud in the pipes probably won't harm the fish (although it might harm people).